Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pink Nausea

I have several friends (as I am sure you all do) that are either breast cancer survivors, recently diagnosed and/or battling it right now. A few weeks ago a thing went around on Facebook telling women to post the color of their bra. It was supposedly to show support for breast cancer. I participated and it was funny to see your mild mannered friends post things like "leopard print". One friend told me it was some perv guy that started it just to hear what color bras everyone had on. One of my friends had a mastectomy and reconstruction. She posted an interesting article on her fb and the bra color exercise was mentioned in the article. My friend and I chatted about it both in email and live. She mentioned the "Pink Nausea". I had never heard that expression, but I knew exactly what she meant. Under Armor has tops and sweat suits. There is jewelry, bags, beer name it. I think pink is now immediately associated with breast cancer. Sulie did the 3 Day walk last year. It was everywhere. I think back to when I worked in recovery at Moffitt. My co-workers would always ask me to take the women that had mastectomies. A couple of them told me they just couldn't do it and I was good at it. (oy)  I have taken care of really sick patients, but there are no words to describe being the first face a woman sees when she wakes up and answering the question, "did they have to remove my breast(s)?"

I now cover Moffitt as a sales rep. I was taking the stairs the other day and I had a flash back to being in scrubs and tennis shoes running up the stairs to get to the unit. I was transported back 15 years and I had that same feeling of "hurry up, eat fast, no time to pee, there are 20 more patients coming out of the O.R."

I don't know what made me think of this this morning. Awareness is great, but I think we need to remember the individuals. 

Another reason to hate Gasparilla...

Tampa folks know it well. For you out of towners...Gasparilla is like Mardi Gras with Pirates. Jose Gaspar storming Tampa Bay. Krewes, beads, flashing boobs and alcohol. I have lived in the South Tampa area off and on for more than 20 years. I spoke to my ex husband yesterday (#1--the nice one: Duke). We laughed about when we lived in an apartment on Bayshore (in the thick of it) back in the 90s. We had people asking us for ice and to use our toilet. Penelope was a more angrier girl back then. Actually Penelope the cat was alive back then. She hated Gasparilla too-the noise scared her. I have hazy memories of telling them all to fuck off. Years later, I owned a condo on Willow. My next door neighbor (an attorney for the Dept of Justice) and I watched as people did lines off our mailbox. Now I live in a house where I get to watch people search for parking spaces in the street. Last year I had to ask a man to stop stepping on my plants. Okay, there is your Gasparilla backgrounder according to Penelope. Folks that don't live here love it. Cherry came down from Jacksonville and had a great time. She sent me a text with a quote on a sign from folks that were protesting Gasparilla--"Party in hell cancelled due to Fire!". (There was talk of rescheduling Gasparilla due tot he bad weather). My friends that live in North Tampa have posted all kinds of pictures of the fun they had. I escaped and got in the car yesterday and went to Orlando to meet a friend for lunch and asked my neighbors to keep people from peeing in my yard! This picture is mild--usually they just whip it out. I think this is the condos on Rome and Morrison...

Okay--newest reason to hate Gasparilla. Recall the friend that is getting ready to "do it" for the first time with her new guy. I counseled her on bush management along with Boys #1-6 and their candid opinions on LadyScaping. Last night was THE night. As I drove to Orlando, I dialed her number to offer words of encouragement. I got her voicemail, so I did my best Rod Stewart signing,Tonight's the Night, Sing it with me--disconnect the telephone wiireee, relax babeeee, enjoy that Fire! I screeched "Tonight's the Night!" while cackling on her voicemail. I smiled thinking of the fun she had in store. The guy she is dating works in law enforcement. This morning I get this text: 

Sad but true. No police here last night. Stuck on Howard with  
Gasparilla assholes till the wee hours. By the time he could have come  
we decided to save it for a better, off duty night. So, I had a  
practice shave, tweeze, tan and my house is spotless. I also have a  
really nice playlist ready to use.

Thank you for caring about my foray back to being an adult. Now, back  
to sleep (no kid, no parents. Ahhhh)

I fucking HATE Gasparilla...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Guest Blogger

I knew he was acting weird. He used to come in around 11 after he would find a mouse for me. I had noticed he was staying out later and talking to that new Siamese cat that moved in down the street. He started bleaching his teeth, he had a new collar--I also found this weird thing in the bathroom drawer--it was called a CatGroomer™. Last night I had it. He smelled like tuna when he came in. My person never gives us wet food. I knew he was over at her place because Tigger next door told me he heard the Siamese wench boasting how she got wet food every night. Why didn't I see the Red Flags? He was so smooth--he would bring me fresh mice, he would groom my back...I ignored the times he would stay out all night. My person has locked the door. I can see him out there meowing and saying he's sorry. Let him go to her. 

Chocolate is a Band-Aid

I like to accessorize my outfits and mood with my iphone covers. Today I am opting for the chocolate bar:

Is that not the queerest thing you've ever seen? Girl, I am rocking it.

Rewriting memories

I had a Lynn appointment yesterday. Ironically as I was driving to the appointment I saw Spencer walking a puppy. There he was in his cargo shorts and t-shirt. Thank buddha I was in my company car. The yellow mini sticks out like a sore thumb, but the racing blue Taurus deftly glides past old boyfriends without a second glance! I sent Sulie this email:

Subject: Spencer

Just saw him walking a golden retriever puppy on Beach Drive.

Her reply:

Poor Dog.

It was good though. I looked over at him. I thought for a flash to say "hello" but it was more so I could see the puppy. Heart rate didn't change. I observed his cargo shorts and dumb ass t-shirt with indifference (okay, maybe the "dumb ass" remark gave it some caring). I drove toward my appointment and I thought, "I used to spend a lot of time with that guy. He used to say mean things to me and I would get upset. Now, I feel nothing." Very cool.

Penelope and Technology

Several of my friends urged me to set up a Facebook page for Penelope. I finally got it working where the new blog posts will import on to the Facebook page. It will make it easier for my friends that read the blog at night on their iphone or Blackberries. I told you about Hymie reading while she is breastfeeding. I've had to teach several of my non computer savvy friends how to bookmark a favorite (love you all, but that is SAD!) I envision others with their iphones under the covers reading about ladyscaping while their husband gently snores next to them...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Do you think it will fit?

Sabrina Catfish and Joe

So I sent a link to the blog to my friend. He is married to a lovely woman and they have 3 adorable boys. I told him to share it with his wife.  This is what he sent back:

I’m trying to figure out what happened to the intelligence of men in the last couple years and how they’ve gotten so stupid when it comes to cells phones and texting in particular (See Tiger Woods).  What happened to just meeting girls (or boys) in the bathroom at public parks.  It hasn’t come out yet, but I have to believe Elizabeth Edwards has looked at that slime ball’s phone messages a few times.  All I can figure is that the cell phone has taken the place of a certain part of a guy’s body that we hold so dear.  You know that part that also has been known to affect our intelligence at times.  

A while ago, I was thinking about developing and marketing a cell phone that was actually shaped like a penis. I thought guys would love to keep it in there front pocket so when asked, “Is that your penis?” They could respond, “Do you want it to be?”. Or maybe, “Yes it is, and it’s calling you right now”.  I’m currently going through the R&D process now.  Didn’t Elvis take the stage with a gourds (as an Italian, I prefer zucchini) or garden hose in his pants.  If it worked for the king….

He made it easy for me with the codes names when he told me about dating:

My wife went by Sabrina Catfish when she met guys in bars (prior to me, she says). Then again, she thought my name was Joe for the first month.


And if Joe and Sabrina were cartoons...

Joe looks like Steve Carell (sorry Joe, but you know you do). All this name stuff reminds me--my code name was Amber Finegashé  back in the day. It was French...

I'm Cured!

Okay, this little boy will cure me of Asian issues once and for all...

The Golden Rule

I bought this cool little book today titled The Golden Rule (as expressed by cultures around the world). It is small and rectangular (looks like a ruler). I decided I will lay one on you right now...

"Deal with weaker states as you think it is appropriate for stronger states to deal with you  -Isocrates 436-338 BC"

I was looking through some old pictures I have in an accordion file. I found 3 cards from John that he sent while we were dating. One pledged,  "I will love you forever." Another talked about how he got hard whenever he saw me (ew). I can't remember the 3rd one. I put them back in the folder. I have destroyed pictures, emails, sold jewelry...that man is like herpes. He just keeps coming back!

I did not get anxious. I calmly looked at them almost like I was reading someone else's mail and then a thought creeped into my mind. I thought, "I should send these to Pao. I bet she has some with the same exact notes inside written to her." I was shocked that I had reverted to toxic Penelope. Almost immediately I shifted back to calm, cool, collected Penelope. That is why the Golden Rule book was a timely purchase...why I didn't shred the cards will be examined later.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Do you ever....

Have a day where you just KNOW you look cute? Girl, I was rocking the hair (in a moment I'll take you through the steps), the smokey eye, the top I just scored at T.J.'s for $14.99 (that's short hand for T.J. Maxx--I got the Max for the MIn), and the kick ass polka dot ballet flats. Let's start with the hair--first there comes the products...shampoo, conditioner, spray smoothing stuff, volume gel stuff, mousse, silicone stuff on ends, and hairspray. I just counted 8 things to achieve the salon look. Wait--how about the face? There was a little is-sue in the Penelope bathroom this morning. I was starting with a serum I was talked into after a facial. I don't want to even tell you what I paid. It promises regeneration and shit. I bought it. Today I SPILLED it. I was like a coke head from the 80s scrambling to save their precious dust. I cussed, I jumped, I grabbed. I could hear the dollar signs as the liquid gently flowed on to my counter top. I'm not even sure that shit did anything. Good riddance. I reproduced a smokey eye I saw in Allure. Okay, let's get to the shoes...ballet flats with black polka dots on a white background.Sounds straight out of a Duran Duran video, but they are GOOD! I paired that with a new sassy black checked top (yes, $14.99) and a cute black sweater and black straight legs. I believe Stacy and Clinton would approve! Sadly, I had to take it all off just now. The smokey eye is gone. The shoes kicked in the corner and the clothes shoved in the hamper. I'm like Cinderella. It is almost midnight and my ass is going to turn into a pumpkin.

P Out!


I just got a message from another boy that is a friend. Let's call him Boy #6 on the "lady scaping" question (he just coined that term)...note I have cut and pasted the message in the original form. Boy #6 was typing on his Crackberry:

oh man, my thoughts are, you have to trim around the labia, i hate getting down there and its hairy at that part. i like full on bush, or shaved. it depends on whether i am listening to 70s music or not that week! shaved is just hot. My wife refuses to do it. of course if. That is my diatribe!! i think women dont appreciate there men, and take for granted that they will be loyal, and just blow off there sex requests, 

PS> I am just grateful to have my face down there,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

He's Just Not That Into You is on. I have the book both in hardcopy and on my Kindle. I believe I've seen the movie at least 5 times. I truly think it should be required reading for all girls before the age of 15. I could have saved a lot of wasted time analyzing, waiting, and borderline obsessing alone and on the behalf of my friends if I had read the book in 1980. A few of my friends hated the movie. Ironically, they are all single. I could go through a lengthy, flowery synopsis, or I can just cut to the chase--the take home message is this: If the person is interested in you, he or she will do what it takes to be with you.

I've never analyzed if a girl friend was going to call or if they liked me. If they didn't call me I would be all, "whatever, she probably has something going on..." Where do we learn this type of response? I was never a huge obsessor but I've had my episodes of intermittent analyzing. Sulie tells me that is one of my strong points. However, she will remind me of one time I stayed in the fetal position next the phone circa 1986.

I love the beginning of the movie where they show a little boy being mean to a little girl. The girl cries to her Mom and the Mom tells her the fact he is being mean is a sign that he likes her! Which reminds me--due to the wonders of the Internet I connected with a guy I that went to East Elementary with me. I was freakishly tall in elementary school and I was always positioned next to Bob (real name--haven't seen him since 7th grade) in class pictures. I recall punching him and running from him in P.E. He was the kid that was always getting paddled in the front of the class (it was legal back then). So Bad Bob has grown up to be very cute. He wrote me and he said, "my Mom always swore you were my first girlfriend." So the fact that I punched him and watched him get paddled more times than I can count constitutes GF? I am not sure where he lives now or his status. I will report back.

Along with being tall, I was one of the first to sprout boobs. I remember Steve Jordan (real name--I believe he was a bully back then. New rule--bullies get to keep their real name) running after me with a hat pin (he happened to have one in his pocket in the 5th grade) telling me he was going to "pop the air out of those balloons." Just did a quick Facebook search--no Steve Jordan on there. Probably because you can't access Facebook from the pen. I did find Dwayne Cooley who told me all about sex on the bus when I was in the 4th grade. It shattered my world. I just knew my Mom NEVER did what Dwayne described in the back of bus #65 with Miss Dottie driving. I've also found Jack King. We went to the 7th grade dance together. My older sister taught me hold to slow dance in a way that you stuck your butt out which pulled your pelvis away so I would not have to feel his hard-on. Important lessons for a 7th grader. Still not sure where I (and all my girl friends) learned to analyze and wonder about a guy that acts tepid at best.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Word on the Street

I have done some of my own data gathering related to what men think about Bush Management. I spoke to several guy friends today. I was able to deftly work it into every conversation. Penelope is way too tired to make up code names. They will be given numbers. They are all direct quotes. I am also too tired to do the quote thing:

  • Boy #1 (Actually, this was Birch talking)-Rocker, I've been single for the last five years. I've seen everything from a full on beav to a tennis ball. She has got to do some ladyscaping down there. He suggested a #2 or #3 clipper. I shared that I opt for #2...
  • Boy #2- You know what Man? I say shave it all off. I see that a chick shaves completely and I think this girl might even give me a blow job.
  • Boy #3-Completely shaved freaks me out. Reminds me of a child. There has to be some attention down there though...
  • Boy #4-I can't believe you just asked me that.
  • Boy #5-High and tight. Landing Strip. 
You may ask yourself, Penelope, did you get any work done today? Why yes I did. I was able to gather this data while driving and utilizing a headset. You may also ask what kind of friends I have--as you can see they run the gamut from Pig (Boy #2) to Prude (Boy #4)

Penelope Out!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

ManGroomer™ -Stupid

That's what I googled and I got back another blog. I think Jay and I need to party. I may have to email him and gently let him know he has a picture of the ManGroomer™ Private Body Shaver and not the actual, revolutionary product--The ManGroomer™.

Here's what Jay writes:

The head of our IT department at work forwarded an email regarding a good deal on a netbook at Fry's. It is a decent deal especially for an 11.6" screen, 250GB HD, and 2GB RAM.

Anyway, while at I decided to see what their weekly specials were and I came across this little gem (see pic). It's called the Mangroomer (
at Fry'sat Amazon). It's weird how it's advertised so blatantly as a "man groomer" and how the picture on the front of the case shows where to use it.

For more enjoyment, read some of the reviews on Amazon. Some of those guys who have purchased and used are hilarious.

The Mangroomer! Don't delay, get yours today!

I decided to write Jay--here's what I wrote:

Hi Jay. I write a blog and the ManGroomer™ has played a big part in it. Tonight I Googled: ManGroomer-stupid and a link to your blog came up. I feel I need to let you know that I made a reference to your post on my blog (this is your intellectual property after all!)

Here is the link to my post-

To understand my history with the ManGroomer™, you kind of need to start at the beginning. It’s a lot of stuff to read though. Here’s the Reader’s Digest. My ex husband cheated on me. He had a ManGroomer™.

ManGroomer™, it’s a noun and a verb.

Happy Blogging,
XXX (aka Penelope)

Sex Addiction Part Deux

On the show I watched this morning they interviewed Susan Cheever. She has written a book on sex addiction. I bought it today and I have almost finished it. It is hard to put down. It must be like reading my wacky blog (several strangers have written and asked me to write more because they can't stop reading--makes me laugh. People, this is my LIFE!) I was going to write a synopsis on the book, but I found a good one online-

I think I bored my poor sister to tears talking about it at dinner tonight. The review above says the author brings up more questions than answers (I agree). The big one is what differentiates an addict from an abuser. Sulie and I talked about alcoholism. We are big on walking or taking cabs when we drink away from home. I told her I thought someone with a DUI is most likely an alcoholic. She gently told me that I was mostly likely over the legal limit the other night when I left Ciccio and Tony's after a glass and a half of wine. Touché little Sulie. I said "But I had dinner and that is not that much." The reason I made my sweeping DUI judgment was John (but of course, you knew that already). One night early in the marriage, John came home drunk from the golf course. He had his go cup in hand. I was PISSED. Penelope enjoys a beverage from time to time, but the drinking and driving thing drives me nuts. Short story long, I exploded, he denied it, he reeked of bourbon and the go cup said it all, he left in a huff. Annie called to ask him something about the boys. I told her what happened. She let it "slip" that John had gotten a DUI a few years before. In the typical, good ole boy ways of Louisiana, his good friend the DA (district attorney) was able to get him out of it. Luckily (sarcasm intended), John had the foresight to pass out and crash into a pole in his college buddy's parish instead of Lafayette Parish. I've lost count of red flags--let's call this Red Flag number 256. Of course, John had never told me that and to make matters worse, Annie begged me not to tell him I knew. Annie was the one that bailed him out of jail! I paced, I called his cell (it was off) and an hour later he came home. He apologized, he told me he wouldn't do it again and he knew I was mad because I loved him. I held the DUI info in for a long time. I don't recall the exact time I dropped the bomb that I knew. He was furious at Annie for telling me (not mad at himself for being a bold faced liar).

I just reread that and said out loud, "GIRL, why didn't you see all this?" I am telling you he was smooth. Clean cut, polite, said all the right things--A salesman!

My friend JCH wrote a comment about me saying that I wanted to run when John told me about his dysfunctional childhood. I think we all have varying degrees of dysfunction. It is what you do to move past it and how you operate in your relationships that matters. I'm still not sure if I understand why one person that has suffered as a child grows and thrives emotionally, while another one tries to numb the pain with drugs, food, alcohol or sex.

This shit is too heavy. I'm going to Google some ManGroomer™ humor...

Sex Addiction

Okay, I'm on fire today and the fingers are flying across the keyboard. There is so much to write about! I love CBS News Sunday Morning. I DVR it so I can fast forward through the commercials. The first segment today was on sex addiction. This is a subject that fascinates me after the John nightmare. I've read quite a bit about it. Right after I had moved out, I sent John information on SCA (Sexual Compulsives Anonymous). I deleted all his emails during the Great Purge of December 2009, but there was one where he apologized to me when we were writing back and forth. I can remember the exact quote of a sentence he wrote (I had read it over and over), "I have a problem and I know I need to get help." When I saw him at our company meeting, I asked if he had gone to a counselor. He wouldn't answer me. His body language told it all. His shoulders slumped and he looked down. He didn't need to answer. I knew he hadn't gotten "help". Go with me on a sidebar--while we were dating John went on a 3 day fishing trip. He called me before the boat headed out and he would not have cell service. He said he wanted to tell me about his childhood. I listened as he told me that his Mother had gotten pregnant with him out of wedlock and his biological father left her. His Mother met the man that would raise John and they got married. John's last name is the name of the man that married his Mother. John's middle name is the last name of his biological father. His Mother's sister (his Aunt) married his biological father. Have you followed all that? It gets worse. John learns the truth about who his real father is while he is middle school age. He notices at family functions that his cousins look just like him and he is the spitting image of his uncle. To make it even uglier, the man that is his "father" at home gets drunk often and says things like, "you aren't my boy."  Nice. It took John about 45 minutes to go through the whole story. I listened quietly only speaking to ask questions when I got confused. I wanted to know if his biological father acknowledged him--the answer was "no". I asked if his cousins knew--"no". It was time for the boat to take off and John had to end the call. I sat on the edge of my bed and felt really bad for John. I could tell this really damaged him. I asked if he ever went to a counselor to talk about it. I could tell it hurt him deeply. He said "no", that he could deal with it on his own and it didn't bother him. This was before we had gotten super serious. We hadn't said "I love you" yet. I recall feeling like I needed to run. Something deep inside told me this guy is really damaged. Another voice inside told me that we are all damaged and that I couldn't desert him just because he had a fucked up childhood. He appeared to be so confident and put together. When I listened to the story of his childhood I heard a scared little boy that was emotionally abused by the man that raised him. I tell you all this as background. Getting back to sex addiction. I am a cause and effect girl. if something happens I want to know why. I looked at our marriage like this--we loved each other, we had a good sex life, we had fun, we both had good jobs, we gave each other space to do things independently...why did he cheat? Why would he throw away everything we had together? How could he hurt his boys so bad?  Also, it wasn't just cheating for sex. It was obvious by the texts that they felt they had a deep emotional bond. I knew it was a much deeper problem as I started to piece things together that night along with things I had seen/known over the past few years. There was the hook up websites, I found New Orleans escort sites on his work computer, sometimes I would come home from work and find porn DVDs in the bedroom. I would ask about them and get smooth answers--"just passing the time while I miss you baby."  The show I watched had an interview with a sex addict. He described having to look at sites during the day while he was at work. He had 2 failed marriages because of his sex addiction. My mind went  back to all the times John would be in New Orleans for a work. He would always call me around 10 pm to say good night before everyone went to Bourbon Street. He would say "I love you" and I'll call you in the morning. I can not tell you how many times I would not hear from him by 0900. I'd call his cell and hotel number and get no answer. I would worry that something happened to him while he was walking back to the hotel the night before. I would always hear from him around 11 or 12. I would get various stories--I was at breakfast, I slept in because my head hurt, I had the phone on mute...the last time it happened I told him that I was not stupid and I wondered what he was really doing. This was about a month before the text incident. Sadly, I was talking about gambling. John could stay up all night at a craps table. Harrah's is in New Orleans. We had a big walk in closet with dressers on each side. John would pile all his receipts on the dresser. After we were married for about a year, John was doing an expense report one night. He asked me to grab his receipts. They were a crumbled mess. I put them together and smoothed them out as I walked up the stairs. I noticed 3 from various casinos in the area. I asked John about meals at the casinos. He said they were all in his territory and he would stop and play a bit on the way home. Say it with me in a tired, oh shit, I already married this guy voice..Red Flag. Isn't it sad I never dreamed he would cheat? It was the gambling that I was worried about. On the show, the subject of having several addictions came up. I started to think about John with the sex and gambling. It all made sense. There is also alcohol, but I think I will table that for another post. This was a man that could go for days without anything to drink but when he did. Ugh. I've watched Dr. Drew and his sex rehab show for answers. I get that the person is trying to numb the pain. It is like any other addiction--alcohol, food, shopping, sex...they are always ways to numb pain.

There is the reference for mental health workers called the DSM IV. It has all the diagnoses listed in it. I just learned on the show I watched that sex addiction was in the DSM IV but it has since been removed since there is not enough scientific data to support the existence of a diagnosis. Shit--I got a patient for you to get your scientific data from!

One of the things I have really worked on in therapy is getting that what has happened has happened. It could not have happened any other way. I used to get so angry that John didn't have the power to not screw Pao. I thought he should know the difference between right and wrong and make the "right" choice. When Pao and I spoke on the phone she told me how aggressive he was in getting her to go to lunch with him. It made me so mad at the time. Now I just look at John with a kind of detached observation. He really needed to be with her. It had nothing to do with me. I just looked out the window and thought about the call with Pao and how I felt when she told me how he would call her and go see her at the hospital where she worked. I don't get the fast heart rate, sweaty hands or burning cheeks like I used to.

Should I have run when John told me the story of his messed up childhood? The question really is could I have run? What happened is what was meant to happen.

Bush Management

Ah Sunday morning...I just brought in the newspaper, children are riding bikes and laughing, I wave to my neighbors as they head to church and I am going to write about the Barbara Bush.

One of my friends has been dating a new guy. Things are going good and it looks like sex is on the horizon. She asked me if she should shave or keep it real down there. First of all, I was impressed that she felt comfortable asking me. I think the blog has broken down barriers! Women brought together to talk about the really important things in life such as bush management. We all know that first impressions are everything. Your cooch is a reflection of how you feel inside. It is like my neighbors yard. His bushes are unruly, the yard is yellow and there are lots of weeds. Sadly, he is not a real happy guy. My across the street neighbors have a yard that could be in Southern Living. They are always smiling and happy. I just realized you may say to yourself, "Hey Penelope, isn't this a double standard, you HATE ManGrooming?" Excellent point Kind Readers, but I feel this is different than ManGrooming. We women are in constant upkeep mode-hair, makeup, mani/pedi, lotions, perfumes, matching bra and panties and yes, maintaining the Barbara Bush. It is all part of the girl thing. A man that spends extra time shaving everything is not natural! Speaking of natural--when I was 24 I lived on Boulder, CO for a while. It is a beautiful place. The culture is much more natural. I lived there in 1989. No one had fake nails or boobs, the make-up use was minimal and hiking boots were the shoes of choice. I went to a gyn appointment for a regular check up. The nurse practitioner was doing her thing and her head pops up from between my legs. She smiled and said, "you don't need to shave down there, it irritates your sensitive skin." I blushed (I was young) and mumbled thanks. Ironically, the boyfriend I had at the time was the most noncaring about hair, make-up, etc. guy I ever dated. I don't remember if I told him what she said. I think back then I did the coiffed triangle look (now it's a landing strip due to the influence of strippers on what men look for). In case you're wondering, I kept shaving despite what the hippie nurse practitioner said.

When I say "shave" I am talking about around the sides and bottom but not shaving it all off. I think completely shaved looks like a little girl and that is just creepy. I've done it before for variety and to surprise the boy, but it just looks weird. One of the ladies I used to work with had her's waxed COMPLETELY every 2 months. I have tears in my eyes thinking about it. She said her husband loved it and she liked the way it felt. It is all personal preference. I've had guy friends tell me that their ex wives didn't wax or shave or laser and how it didn't look nice. or that they completely shaved but never had sex (that is a whole other post). Ladies, I suggest you bring up the topic of your front butt hair-do with your mate. Have them weigh in on how you should style it. In the meantime let's send out good positive thoughts to my friend that will be doing it for the first time with her new guy!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Punisher™

44 always scared me. My Mom was 44 when my Father died. She was 44 when she had her first heart attack. I always thought 44 was so old. I was so mad that my Father was dead. I was so mad that my Mom was sick. I remember being mad that they waited so long to have us--my Mom was 33 and my Father 43 when I was born. Back then 44 was ancient. Now that is customary. Oprah has made the 40s and 50s fashionable. Sometimes I close my eyes and I can remember what it felt like being so pissed off when I was growing up. I will see familiar glimpses of what it must have been like for my Mom when I am out in the world. About a year ago I was in a dressing room trying on clothes. I heard a teen age girl treating her Mom like shit a couple of doors down. The Mom wearily said she was going out to get another size. I waited until she left and said out loud, "I used to treat my Mom like that when I was your she's dead." I was really dramatic when I said the word "DEAD". All I heard was heavy breathing. The girl was probably too scared to say anything. I smiled and thought to myself, "I bet that brat will do the dishes for at least a week." My sister calls me "The Punisher™." I tend to speak my opinion when I see something I don't like. I was staying in a nice hotel in Palo Alto for work a few years ago. I was going into my room the same time a Dad and his son were going into their room next door. The son had bright read hair and looked like he was probably about 12. He was "f this and f that" to his Dad. The Dad looked miserable. It was awful. I got out the pad of paper and pen on the desk and wrote, "Dear Carrot Top. What I just saw was disgusting. You should be very embarrassed. Don't ever talk to your Father that way again. You will remember this after he is dead and gone and you will never be able to take it back and you will feel like SHIT. Signed, Your Loving Neighbor." I walked outside and shoved the note under the door. The Punisher™! I told Birch the story at our meeting the next morning. He choked on his breakfast as he laughed. He said, "Carrot Top is scarred for life!"

You know the old phrase "It takes a village to raise a child"? What if we all became The Punisher™ in our own communities? There is a comedy skit about Latinos that they will discipline each other's kids. It is funny, but true. I'm not saying to lay a hand on someone else's child, but how about not accepting disrespectful behavior to others?

I am almost 45. I am not my Mom. My blood pressure and cholesterol are managed. I don't smoke. Ironically I am the same weight she was when I used to call her fat (I think that is some kind of Mother/Daughter karma!) I don't have children of my own, but children of the world better watch out! The Punisher™ is ready to set them straight!

Southern Living

I got my new Southern Living today. I made myself a grilled cheese and I sat down to read. I seldom read the editor's letter in any magazine (think of Martha Stewart telling you she is going to arrange her linens this month alphabetically by color and thread count...) but this one had a head line that caught my eye. In bold it read, "My idea of a Southern 'neighborhood watch' is keeping an eye out for the first hint of spring color." I looked down at her signature and said out loud, "Eleanor, my idea of a neighborhood watch is a well organized Neighborhood Whore Watch Committee looking for the first hint of a man cheating!" I laughed like a crazy woman as I flipped through the following pages. In case you're wondering, I often speak out loud to magazines, "Girl, that dress looks like shit on you" or to the T.V., "Get off my T.V." (to Jay Leno). I came across a page that showed the opening of The International Civil Rights center in Greensboro, NC. My friend known as Chaka lives in Greensboro. I heard a piece about the museum on the radio last week. I promptly left Chaka a voicemail asking her what kind of racist place she came from! She filled me in on the history. A few pages later I get to a piece on St. Pete Beach, particularly Pass-a-Grille where I lived while I was married to The Duke (husband #1 and he still lives there with his wife #2). This was getting eerie. The next page did me in--It read "Italian on the Bayou" and talked about a restaurant in Houma, LA that John loved. The next section was on "Exploring Asian Food." I was a third of the way through that magazine and my trip down Southern Memory Lane was too much. I just wanted to read about plants good for this time of year and get a recipe or two. I felt like I was reading an US Weekly customized for me! I flung the magazine down on the ottoman and went into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and said out loud, "Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired?" (I had just eaten a grilled cheese, I didn't feel particularly pissy, I spend tons of time alone and I was wide awake.) I replied to myself, "fuck off" and  walked over to the lap top to write this.

It's Girl Scout Cookie Time

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sleeping Together

Sulie sent me an email last night--The subject line was Doing it in your 40s. It simply read:

you are putting a lot out there….but I am laughing,

I noticed she had a comma at the end like she was going to say more. I called and asked her if I should take it down. I reasoned that referencing the Barbara Bush is WAY less personal than the other things I've written. Besides, I've got the safety of the Penelope name and cartoon picture, right? She said no to taking it down and the fact that it made her laugh was almost like a litmus test for appropriate vs. inappropriate. I emailed Special Ops Boy last night. He told me once that he went a year without having sex during the divorce. That was the subject of my email last night. I had gathered in our various conversations that he was pretty devastated by his ex wife. It would come up now and then. I recall one quote where he said, "she took out my heart, threw it on the ground and stomped on it." Pretty vivid. He was married to her for 16 years. He told me he never strayed (and I believe that). They grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and got married really young. She cheated on him while he was deployed somewhere faraway, hot and yucky.  I had sent him a link to the blog a while ago. In his reply today, he said that he had read the blog a bit. He also wrote something really nice--essentially that I had nothing to do with all the events. It was John's deal. I had never told him the gruesome details of John. I kept it to the top line info only--he cheated, she is Vietnamese, I have Asian issues...I never thought I would be with anyone other than John. That is why I was such a wreck when it came down to doing it with Special Ops Boy. I asked him to show me his military I.D. I had a taser in my bedroom. I can see it now--"Hold on a minute, could you please stop strangling me so I can reach down and get my taser? Thanks". Sidebar--About a year ago, Birch told me that my approval rating had gone up in his eyes since I had a taser at my bedside and I was doing it with a killer (the killer part was Birch's own assumption--Special Ops Boy is in intelligence and we don't talk about that stuff.) I just had a revelation. Special Ops Boy (SOB now), was safe. He was hurt. I was hurt. He was clear that he did not want more than what we did. I had so much distrust in all men. There was no way I could have started any type of "relationship" back then and that was not what either one of us were looking for. I couldn't imagine lying down, closing my eyes and falling asleep next to anyone ever again. Off and on for the first year after I left Louisiana I would have flashes of my view from my bed in Louisiana. If I was on my right side I could see a bit of street light from the street. If I was on my left side I would have the ManGroomer next to me and if the moon was full I would see the light through the blinds. It would freak me out to have flashes of those memories when I was alone and in my own bed in Tampa. The first time I actually spent the night with a boy was hard. I couldn't fall asleep for the first hour and when I finally did go to sleep, I would wake up and toss and turn. Spencer would comment on how I would always want to leave to go back to my place. There is something about "sleeping" next to someone that is very personal. Oh I'll do it with you--I just don't want to close my eyes next to you!

I just remembered something. When John and I went on our first trip together I could not sleep. He got really upset. He said he would wake up and see my eyes open. Maybe I knew?  I think back to all the boys in the past. That can be my Red-Flag-O-Meter. If I can fall asleep it is ok. 

I feel that Special Ops Boy needs to be made into a cartoon. If he was a cartoon, he would look like this:

Well, not really because he is much higher up in the Navy than the Dixie Cup on the head stage, but I like the symbolism of no facial features. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Doing it in your 40s

I'll tell you all a secret...I haven't ''done it" since the end of May. Thats almost 9 months. That is the longest dry spell I've had. Ever. Friends make jokes about cob webs up in there. I will have the occasional fear thought that my best doing it days are over. Special Ops Boy emailed me a couple of days ago. I told him about the lack. He generously offered his services. That does me no good when he lives in D.C. and he is in San Diego right now. Where does a girl meet a boy these days? One of my friends asked me to go out tonight. I sent her a text an hour ago that I was tired. I didn't have it in me to do the smile and act cute thing. I've gotten used to just worrying about me. I can watch Top Chef in bed with a clay mask on while drinking wine. I can spend all day Sunday reading without getting dressed. I can blast songs in the car and sing at the top of my lungs (p.s. Spencer used to tell me not to sing...Knock, knock Mutha Fucker, Who's there? Red who? RED FLAG!) A couple of my friends told me the red flag MF thing really made them laugh. I know I sound really angry, but I'm doing it more for your entertainment. Kinda. Back to the dry spell. I worry that I may lose my skills. Is it like riding a bike? (you never forget) or like playing golf (practice, practice, practice...) I keep everything ready--the Barbara Bush is managed by laser hair removal, I always wear nice thongs and matching bra (you never know who I might meet at Publix), I floss and brush religiously...I am starting to think I need to strap on some granny panties, cancel the laser appointments and I will meet my dream guy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ManGroomer™ on Tyra®

Penelope is tired and she is going to let the Tyra show do the talking. I figured it was time for some ManGroomer humor. I googled crazy ManGroomer™ and this is what I got. Some rules I live by:

  • Never date a man that wears nicer earrings than you do in both ears
  • Never date a man that grooms more than you
  • Never date a man that uses more hair care products or eye liner than you
  • Never date a man that goes on Tyra
  • Never date a man that can not throw you over his shoulder and carry you out of a burning building
Fast forward to about 3:24 to see this tool whip out the ManGroomer™ like a switchblade!

Vehicular Texting

I remember the first time I learned what the expression "vehicular homicide" meant. It gave me goosebumps. I watched a chilling Oprah yesterday. Stories of death after death that were 100% preventable. I am heading out to work. My phone will be in my purse and not my lap.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Does Joe Dubois Really Exist?

Jake Weber plays Joe Dubois on the T.V. show Medium. It is one of my favorite shows. I love his character. The man is a great husband and father and that = HOT. But I ask you, does Joe Dubois really exist? I used to DVR Medium when I was married. John and I would watch it together. He liked the Joe character too. Perhaps that was who he modeled The "good" John after...who knows?

 Joe Dubois is HOT

John would cook, help with dishes, watch chick movies, rub my feet--there was just this little problem of the 29 year old Vietnamese girlfriend, daytime hotel stays and "adult" hook-up sites. I guess you can't get everything you wish for in a mate! I was talking to my friend (hmmm...let's call her Alison since she is married to Bono--recall that  Bono's wife searched for a ManGroomer™ in her home and I am pleased to say she came up empty handed!) Alison and I worked together in a past life. We were on the same team (along with Miss Brown) during the Wine and Chips for Dinner Era of 2007. Alison brought up the point that many of you have brought up. Are all men predisposed to cheating? Actually, I think she said, "are all men pigs?" Penelope disclaimer--Bono is fabulous and we are not talking about him. Alison told me the story (not an urban legend, I swear) about the local volley ball coach. Coach Bob (pigs get to keep their real name) had been having an affair with a 15 year old girl for the past several months. The community is reeling from disbelief and shock. This is a man that they trusted with their children. Ironically, John was a coach before I met him and I had found out he slept with one of his 17 year old students, but that is another blog for another day. Another friend told me last night that her good friend just found out her husband was doing the adult hook up site thing. They have 2 small children. I asked Alison if she thought the Internet brought it out. She replied that she thought it made it easier. There was a reference to "tingling in genitals", but I forgot exactly what she said. I just wanted to type tingling in genitals because it sounds funny. Seriously, can we blame all this crap on the Internet? I don't feel the need to google me up some pics of a big schlong. I understand that guys are visual. I've also heard the old excuse--men are meant to spread their seed, while women are meant to stay home and take care of the children. I don't buy it. I think the seed spreaders shouldn't get married. I will now divide men into 2 categories:

  1. Seed Spreader
  2. Seed Grower
with sub categories:
  1. Vienna
  2. Ball Park Franks (you know--they plump when you cook 'em)
I refuse to believe that all men are pigs. I do think our society has become really focused on immediate gratification (fast food, buy it now, click on link and meet women/men that want to do it now). Alison agreed. She also brought up a great point. She said she felt like she and her generation were brought up to accept certain behavior from men. The light bulb went off for me. I do think we get socialized to accept certain types of behavior as the norm. Alison told me about her 15 year old daughter and several of her friends going to a recent dance without a date. Her daughter saw it as a time to be with friends, have fun, get a cool new dress, nails and hair did--who needs a guy? I love that and I LOVE Alison for modeling that behavior for her daughter! If Alison was a cartoon she would look like this:

Alison and Bono took their kids on a SURPRISE trip to Ireland last year. They saw U2 while they were there. I feel neglected. My Mom in the Cutlass Supreme with the white landau top dropped me off at the Tangerine Bowl in Orlando to see Aerosmith when I was 14....

Sunday, January 17, 2010


There are no words.


Okay, before you think I'm being foul, let me clarify: Shatna as in William Shatna.

My niece turned us (me and Sulie) on to Priceline®. She is 10 years younger than me. Her Mom is my Dad's daughter from his first marriage. It gets even more complicated because my niece's kids are my great nephews. Way to make me feel ancient. What shall I call her...hmmm, my niece shall be Jackie (as in Jackie O.). She is really beautiful and she likes to call the hotel operator and use a really articulate classy voice when asking for a wine opener at 3 in the morning. Back to Priceline®--have you ever used it? It rocks! We have it down to a science in Sarasota. The key is to know your star ratings. For example, in downtown Sarasota there is only one 4 star hotel. You bid crazy low prices for the area and star rating and eventually you wear them down. I love the anticipation after I enter $55 and I wait as the site tells me it is "negotiating". Let me describe the sensation--I hit $55 and I sit back. My hands sweat, my heart races. I whisper "do me right Shatna." It has now become the act of "Shatnaing".  Shatna is a noun and a verb. Shatna will sometimes play games and tell you "no". You just sign out and do it again the next day. The bell hops know us. The yellow Mini drives up with the cooler on wheels. They don't ask if they need a cart. They see the Mini and they just know. Last time Tommy Long Socks (bellhop that wears really bad black knee high socks and shorts) said, "Back again ladies?" We take a cab to dinner (safety first when Shatnaing). After dinner we usually stay up trading stories of family dysfunction (all from a place of love). Sulie tries to keep up, but eventually the Riesling gets the best of her. The next morning she usually has cloudy stories of waking up for a moment and seeing me dancing or Jackie changing the words to a song on my ipod. We have decided to Shatna at least once a quarter. I strongly suggest it to everyone. It is a way to get away even if it is not that far away. Tell them Penelope sent you.

If Jackie was a cartoon she would look like this:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mind Games

I am taking a meditation class with Sulie. During the first class last on Thursday night we had a guided mediation. We were told that we were walking through a deserted villa. The meditation took you through the villa where you could imagine redecorating it just the way you want. After the meditation we were asked what we saw and what we thought. Everyone smiled and they told stories of beautiful gardens, flowers, beautiful interiors...shit!, all I saw was the kitchen from the house in Lafayette. I would close my eyes and the villa that was supposed to be old and deserted kept coming up as a spotless kitchen. I squeezed my eyes shut and kept trying to get back to the "villa". Where the hell was my villa! Why am I seeing things from 2 years ago? I am done with that--I've moved on! I had an appointment with Lynn on Friday. I told her how all I could see was the kitchen from Louisiana. I could see the computer (where I pulled up all the gruesome adult sites, emails, and Pao's myspace page). I saw the island and the bar stools where the boys would sit and talk to me after school. It was the room I was in as I sobbed to Sulie and Birch on the phone. It was the room where John came in that morning and I screamed at him. Ironically, it was the first room I packed. I started with books and moved on to pots and pans. In my mind's eye I keep seeing the wine refrigerator John insisted on getting. It reminded me that when we met he didn't really drink wine (he was more into appearances). The last day I left Louisiana, I went back into the house to make sure that I had gotten everything. I went into the master closet and their was a duffel bag on the floor. I looked inside and it contained clothes for a trip along with a bottle of one of my favorite Pinot Noirs (from the kitchen that I had bought!)  Ugh. This was before I was calm...I threw away the cologne in the bag, as well as, all the other bottles he had in his bathroom drawers. Okay, I think it is clear what that kitchen symbolizes.

Lynn talks about addressing things that bother you by addressing the sensation. Historically I would look at something like the John situation and go off on what a scumbag he is, cheater, liar, how could he do this to me, blah, blah, blah. If I look at the sensations I had back when I used to think about John, it would be: my chest would flush, my cheeks would burn, my heart would race, my fists would clench and my hands would sweat. Really nice. Very painful. For that type of feeling Lynn told me to think of something that I am completely indifferent to. She uses the example of a big, white moth flying around. She says she would see it and be "whatever." Mine is a baseball game.  Whatever. Total indifference. I flip right on past the channel if there is a baseball game on T.V. I just don't care. That feeling of total indifference is the goal. It sounds too easy, but it works. The key is remembering the sensation you felt and replacing it with the feeling of indifference. Not the event or the person that you made you upset. I need reminding since it is the exact opposite of how I have reacted my whole life. Now when I am aggravated I think to myself, "what is the sensation I'm feeling?"

Lynn said that during my next appointment we will work on erasing that memory of the Lafayette kitchen. She said it would involve me completely redoing that room in my mind.I am telling you the mind is an amazing thing. Bring the eraser on!

Spelling and such

So many of you have told me that you are afraid to write me because I am so opinionated about spelling and grammar! I feel bad. I'm not looking at you all as potential dates. I just think if a guy is trying to impress he can use spellcheck and hit the shift key. Go ahead, use lower case "i" and "u". Misspell everything. I love you all!

OAO, TTYL, penelope

Friday, January 15, 2010


Do you ever decide to go buy yourself a little giftie when you're feeling down? You start browsing in Ann Taylor saying, "I really need work clothes", so you end up buying 2 suits. You work your way down to The Banana and buy a top that's on sale. Then you see Lucky has new sweaters in. Nordstrom for shoes (you decide to get both pair because they are so cute). Sephora has that new perfume you saw in Marie Claire. Of course you parked at Dillards since they have a garage and you have to walk by the purses on the way to the car. It's like one of those haunted houses with tempting buys jumping out at you! I never knew there was so many things I needed!I remember doing that (a lot) right after I moved back to Tampa. I would buy things and then be too tired (emotionally and physically) to hang them up in the closet. I am thinking of this because I decided to organize my closets this weekend. I just pulled out all the things I listed above. I also write this because I have heard from you guys--I know there are many that are reading this right after they have found out their partner was not faithful. It is tempting to go cut your hair and color it (don't do it--it only works in the movies), you think you'll feel better with new cute outfits (you'll just have less money in checking and less room in your closet). If I could do it again, I would spend the money on a massage or a facial. Something for you. I know it is especially tough right now. Figure out what little things you can do for you that work with your budget. You don't need a 10th pair of black heels. Take it from Penelope, she knows. I read a thing about dieting once and I think this would work for what Sulie and I call: Depression Based Shopping. The acronym HALT was given as a mental prompt. Stop and ask yourself, Am I hungry, angry, lonely or tired? I started using it for food and shopping. I think they are both related. I know I was (and occasionally still do) trying to fill a void. With food I ask myself am I really hungry? With clothes I breathe and ask myself if I really need another pair of jeans? It's sad, but I remember my Mom doing the same thing after my Dad died. She could plow through Maas Brothers (that was like Macy's back in the day) with that little piece of plastic. Ironically, she was born during the Depression and she knew what it was like to really go without. I am not blaming my Mom, but I think we learn how to numb the pain from our parents. She believed in retail therapy. I'm going to go back to the closet and pull out more sweater sets that I never wear.  P Out!

Greenlight Card™

You all, know Polly, the Ex-Neighbor, Present Friend, Fellow Internet Dater and Graphic Artist Extraordinaire...well, her Internet dating site has launched (along with her friend Liz)! It is called Greenlight Card™. The idea was inspired in part by hearing (and experiencing) too many stories about people trying the online dating thing only to discover, when the "matches" finally met, that there was no chemistry between the two. That doesn't happen to members of GreenlightCard™.com because the whole idea is to start with the chemistry and move on from there. You can think of Greenlight Cards™ as a modern incarnation of the Victorian calling card--a way to let someone know you're interested, without resorting to scribbling your number on a cocktail napkin. 

I can not tell you how many times I have texted Polly over the last few months the message, "Just saw a cute guy, wish I had a GreenlightCard™." I have gotten the nads up to approach a guy on a plane (only once) by giving him my business card. By the time I finally handed it to him, I was babbling, blotching and sweating (dead sexy). I like this idea because you have already seen/met each other and the card does the talking. I have given you guys a small snapshot of the horrors involved with Internet dating (or "OLD" as the cool kids call it). This is just more feasible. I just saw a cute guy at Publix by the bakery. Wish I had a GreenlightCard™...

How Annie Dealt with The Liar

I wrote the post on the Five Love Languages a couple of hours ago and it made me think of Annie. In case you are wondering, I have not sent her the link to this blog. She was so wonderful to me, but I know hearing the stories about John had to make her relive the horror of the shit he did when they were married. He must look for similar types in women (Pao is an outlier). You will see what I mean when I tell her story. Here is Annie's tale--while reading this, hear her voice with a thick Baton Rouge accent:

The boys were all toddlers--the oldest was about 3 and the twins were about 18 months old. Annie was a nurse and she worked the night shift, while John was a coach and chemistry teacher at a middle school. Annie sensed things weren't right. John would go out "running" by LSU for hours. She would find him on the phone late at night (this was way before cell phones). One night he went out to "play racquetball".  Annie decided to take a bath and noticed he was gone a really long time. Their house was built in a way that she could see the driveway from the master bath window. She heard him drive up. Annie crept to the window to peek out. She saw John take off his shirt, turn on the outside faucet and he wet his shirt. He wrung it and then put it back on. That pig was faking sweat on his shirt! Annie waited. When I asked her how she kept it together she told me,"I had 3 little babies to take care of." This was in the day of the old caller I.D. boxes. She rigged up the box to the phone and hid box and the extra wires under the sofa. She saw repeated phone calls from the girls coach that worked at the same school as John. Annie then bought a machine to tape phone conversations. She was gathering evidence. This was Mama Bear protecting her cubs. On Christmas morning, Annie walked in exhausted from working the night shift in labor and delivery. She asked John to go to her Mama's (I am using Annie lingo) with the boys. She said she would shower and be over in the next couple of hours. Annie sat down to listen to the tape. She heard them plan when to get together next. Previous tapes had proven that John had met the other woman when he had the boys with him and she had been to the house (sound familiar?) This tape was the one that sent Annie over the edge-- John complained about having to go to Annie's family home for Christmas with his 3 little boys. Annie called John at her Mama's and told him the toilets were overflowing and that he needed to come home immediately to help her (she faked sounding upset that her home was getting flooded). She asked that he leave the boys with her sisters. When John got home he rushed into the kitchen to find Annie dressed and calmly sitting at the kitchen table. She had the tape recorder queued and ready. She hit "play" and watched John's face turn white and he heard his lover and himself talk about their next meeting. She told him to (again, say with STRONG BR accent), "pack your shit and get the hell out of my house."

Annie told me this story several days after I read the text. I could feel myself wanting to be sick. I was married to a man that would do this to the Mother of his children. They boys were babies! He had the woman to their home! It was the first moment of clarity...this had nothing to do with Annie, or me, or even Pao. John was  sick.

I admit, I went back and forth with the thoughts of --what did I do wrong, why didn't I see, wasn't I thin enough, young enough? the end it all came down to John. I say that to everyone that is in a similar situation. Do whatever it takes to stop those questions. I could have been 120 lbs, with huge fake boobs, and 15 years younger. It wouldn't have mattered. (Penelope disclaimer--please don't think what I just described is what I think is the ideal woman). I must still be cute because truck drivers still honk at me.

Can you imagine being Annie? Seeing that ASS CLOWN at school functions? ugh. She once told e that John will always be in her life because of the boys. She said this with complete dread.

I usually try to tie up my posts with a pretty bow. I don't have one for this...oh yes, I do! Annie married a great guy 5 years ago. He speaks her love language!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The 5 Love Languages

Do you know about the book? It is kinda corny, but it makes sense. The idea is that each of us responds to a certain "love language."  A cut and paste from the website:

  • Words of Affirmation
    Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important—hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten.

  • Quality Time
    In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, “I love you,” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.

  • Receiving Gifts
    Don’t mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous—so would the absence of everyday gestures.

  • Acts of Service
    Can vacuuming the floors really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she most want to hear: “Let me do that for you.” Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don’t matter.

  • Physical Touch
    This language isn’t all about the bedroom. A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder, or face—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive.

    Annie (mother of John's 3 boys) was totally into this concept. She and her husband had the workbook and really worked on speaking each other's "love language." I think there is something to this. Many of my friends will say something like, "he doesn't take me out" or "he never does the dishes." I find myself thinking (and sometimes saying aloud), well, he never did in the past so why would he start now? I read through those descriptions and I know I want Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. We know Penelope can get herself a piece of jewelry and Rodrigo cleans the house once a week (remind me to write about Rodrigo later). Funny...if I do a quick recap of past boys I can tell you none of them spoke my "language." I need to tread lightly because a couple of old boyfriends and my first husband have been reading the blog. Penelope disclaimer--Sorry guys, but I know I didn't speak your love language either! (:

    I will admit that I own the Five Love Languages for Singles. I keep it hidden along with other great titles such as, He's Just Not That Into You, Co-Dependent No More and The Dance of Anger. I used to keep them hidden behind the basket where I keep condoms.Note to readers--do not keep self help books near the condoms. That is all I'm going to say...