Saturday, November 6, 2010

Holding it in

I've been reading about Clarence Thomas' wife leaving a message for Anita Hill asking for an apology. Many of my readers may not even remember the whole pube and the coke can scandal. It happened in the early 90's. Penelope synopsis--Clarence picked for Supreme Court. Comes out in his hearings that he was a perv and he made a comment about a pube and a coke can from an attorney that used to work with him (Anita Hill). There was much time spent on the hearing. Pube jokes abounded. Twenty years ago and his wife decides to call Anita now. How weird is that? 

I was worried because last week was the 3 year anniversary of reading the infamous text from Pao and I had a fleeting thought to email him/her or both and to ask them how things are going.It was fleeting. I know that if I send an email (even if it is beautifully crafted) I will look like a major wackjob. The same thing goes for the fantasy emails I write in my head to Spencer and SOB. I bet everyone is walking around with the "I should have told him/her _____________." I would love to tell Spencer that his eyes reminded me of a serial killer and SOB that he was really boring. With John and Pao, I would just want to thank them. 

Twenty years. That is a lifetime of resentment. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah..20 years, time to check in with her Lynn to move on. I cannot think of anything that has happened 20 years years ago that needs to be addressed now. I want to tell crazy excoworker Karen thank you and too bad she did not get the promotion she thought she would get. I hope in 20 years I forget her name


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