Saturday, April 16, 2011

There's an App for That!

Every few days I get an email from the itunes Store that says, Your receipt #XXX blah, blah. Just for shits and giggles (that one is for Sulie. She HATES that expression) I will check my inbox right now. Yep...

That is for Word Storm. A fun little game to play finding words that all have the letter shown in the center of the hexagon. It is like crack...

There are horoscope apps, tarot card apps, dating apps, travel apps, weather apps, meditation apps, you can have a friggin Starbuck's card on your iphone app, track your period app (gross, get a calendar), movie time apps...

Pretty soon there will be a Talk to your Child through an App, App, Communicate with your Mate without Talking App, Have Virtual Sex with your Boyfriend and Avoid the Mess App...

I think there needs to be a Be Comfortable Sitting in Silence Without an iphone or ipad in your hand App.

This is a perfect lead in for a future post:

My ipad is my new boyfriend

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