Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Internet is the new "Bar"

JCH made a good point in a comment--

I still stand by what I said about the internet; it's the new bar. The rule is you never marry someone you meet in a bar. Now it's you never get involved with someone you meet on the internet. Yes there are instances where it works, but thats the rarity.

I would never (watch I use the "n" word and next week I'll post about it) date a guy I met in a bar. So why would I date a guy I met on the Internet? Both Spencer and SOB were Internet catches... 

The 40's are the new 30's, brown is the new black, and the Internet is the new bar. Agreed.

1 comment:

  1. I would almost go one step further and say if your first date conisists of meeting and getting drunk at a bar then you need to walk away. Whatever happen to dinner, a movie, or a nice walk and talk and get to know each other? I must be from another time, or just have hopeless ideals for relationships. I never fail to be disappointed on some level, so maybe I need to reconsider what I think. Another subject for counseling I guess. LOL


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