Friday, June 18, 2010

Same Time Next Year

Do you ever feel really edgy, pissed off and generally cranky and you can't figure out why? That is exactly the way I've been feeling this week. I went off on a cab driver in Dallas (well, he deserved it. He was trying to screw me and he didn't know he was dealing with the travel queen), I snapped at a co-worker (she is a freak show and annoying, but still...), and I notice my thoughts are not pretty. For example, I was walking through the grocery today with thoughts like: "Move your ass", "get out of my way", and "hurry up".

I was talking to my sister and having the what the hell is wrong with me conversation.  She said, "oh, you're just tired." I was just looking at my work calendar and it dawned on Mom died on June 19th and my Dad died on June 23rd (21 years apart, but still the same week in the same month). Year after year I have this same response to this week. I sometimes prep for it and take off. Other times, I block it out (never works). This year I've been so busy that I didn't notice the date.

The mind never forgets. 


  1. For me its Sept-Oct....I even came home with a new puppy to break the dreaded curse & change the mojo of this time of year....Love the dog, still hate that time of year....

  2. The subliminal is interesting that way. I do understand where you are coming from. I am generally a happy soul, but I do get very foul now and again. And you do have to take a step back and figure out its source. There is always one, you just have to find it.

  3. Weird how that works isn't it? Even when you don't realize it. Remember back in April when I was having issues and talked to you about it (when you recommended that fantastic counselor) I realized it was the 21st anniversary of the IOWA explosion. I had blocked it out but my mind remembered it.

  4. Polly here...
    me plus you equals lunch sometime between these 2 important dates I never knew about. You can be bitchy, sad, giddy, mopey or quiet and I'll just be glad to be with you. And remember that my parents are for sharing (but you already know that).


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