Sunday, June 13, 2010

Yet another use for a Ziplock bag

I went to a party today that had a woman reading tarot cards. I had never done that before. I had my palm read on South Beach a few year ago, but never tarot cards. My friend had the tarot card reader set up in a back room. We took terms going back for a 15 minute reading. I walked into the room with a smile. I had no idea what to expect. She asked me what question I had for her. I was unprepared because I didn't know I was supposed to come with a question. I laughed and said, "I bet it's the same question most people ask you--what is going to happen with my love life?" She laughed and had me shuffle the deck. I can't remember the whole order, but there was a main theme. At first she said, "are you in a relationship now?" I said no. She frowned and asked, "did one end recently?" I told her no and that I had been divorced for a couple of years, but the financial part drug out. She said, " I see." She commented how busy and productive I am and that I am happy and I have a good life, but no man (thanks...tell me something I don't know). She said she felt a strong theme of frustration around dating. I laughed and gave her the Reader's Digest version of AssClowns and She transformed before my eyes. She went from Tarot Card Reader to Sister Friend. Her shoulders slumped and her voiced changed. She said, "men are just looking to get laid on match. It is a good thing that you cancelled." Then she went back to Tarot Card Reader. Shoulders back, false eyelashes fluttering, and cards flying. Then she looked directly at me and asked, "is there a man from your past that has come back into your life?" I said no. She said there is one. I told her that there was an on/off/on/off/on/off (I lost count of the ons and offs) guy (that would be Dillhole on here). She said he was coming back into my life and this is a red flag (RED FLAG--her exact quote). She said he was bad news and to stay away. She then told me to put his name on a piece of paper, put it in a ziplock bag and put it in my freezer. She said that would block him! I promised I would do just that. She went on to some new cards. She flipped one that had a crow (I think) and she muttered, "oh no..." I said, "don't say that!" She asked, "are you sure that you no longer have contact with your ex husband? Are there kids you stay in contact with?" I quickly gave her the 2 minute recap of "No. He won't let them talk to me but there is his wacky first wife..." (p.s. I did not update you Dear Readers, that Annie  emailed me twice last week and called me last Friday. She wants to catch up and needs help on a job search. I emailed her back that I was pretty busy. I was all business, but I was a pussy.I had an opportunity to really set limits and I didn't do it. She called me even when I wrote to her that I was unable to talk.) Tarot Lady's eyes got big and she said, "that's it." She said you need to block her. She is trying to keep you connected to this John. Put her name on a piece of paper, put it in a ziplock and freeze it!

So here they are...right next to the Ezekiel bread that tastes like shit. It may be hooey, but I wrote those names down and put them in their own little bags and tossed them in the freezer!

1 comment:

  1. My sister used to be really into Tarot Cards and I remember her telling me to put things on paper and freeze them also. That is so funny you were told the same thing.

    Tarot cards freak me out (I actually own a deck).


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