Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reaping the JuJu

I just realized today is John's birthday. His birthdate is 6/1/61. That makes him 49. I recall the shrink that I went to when I first moved back to Tampa, Bob, telling me a story about one of his patients. He said the guy was in his 70's. He had lived his life very similar to John. Numerous women, divorces, put his dick ahead of his kids...you get the idea. He said the man was severely depressed because he was elderly and alone. His kids had pretty much disowned him. I was reminded of that story today. 

It is called many things--Karma, Reap What You Sow, Bad JuJu...

I always reflect on the previous year on my birthday. Shit, I reflect on everything pretty much everyday! Seriously, what does a John think about when he looks back?


  1. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...he has no moral compass. Wow...I am so happy for you. We had a meal and he was not even brought up.

  2. It is pretty cool that it went out of my head. I remember the first year that all the dates made me sad--my bday, his bday, anniversary, Christmas, blah, blah.

  3. If he thinks anything at all, it is probably just how wonderful he is, and maybe feels a little sorry for himself that he is under-appreciated. Frankly, I'm shocked that the 70-year-old was even aware that he had not been living a clean life. Narcissists never think they have done anything wrong.


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