Sunday, May 9, 2010


Since I've been doing the online dating thing, I have noticed that I really have definite opinions about things. I am sure my friends just busted out laughing when they read that.  Ever read the book Blink? Here are the flash thoughts I have when I read a profile:

  • Don't drink...shit, another alcoholic. 
  • I have 2 kids but they don't live with me...great, a deadbeat dad.
  • I don't read or "the last thing I read was your profile"...ok, a dumbshit.
  • If they take their picture in the mirror...Ew, don't you have any friends?
  • A picture of their Harley, Boat or Car...Probably has a small dick or is in major debt or BOTH!
  • They enjoy dancing...Not manly or a cheater (John was a really good dancer).
There could be perfectly reasonable explanations:
  • Don't drink...don't like the taste or the feeling. 
  • I have 2 kids but they don't live with me...great, they're in college
  • I don't read or "the last thing I read was your profile"...ok, still a dumbshit.
  • If they take their picture in the mirror...they don't want to tell their friends they're on match
  • A picture of their Harley, Boat or Car...they have a big dick and feel their self worth is defined by their possessions.
  • They enjoy dancing...They think that is what a woman wants to hear.


  1. Haha! Love these interpretations. I think I will agree with the opinions in the first category...

  2. LOL ... love it. Here would be mine from a MALE point of view (I am CERTAIN you want to hear it):

    Don't drink: I don't like the feeling of being drunk and my Father was killed when I was 3 by a drunk driver. Don't drink is not a negative. Just my opinion.

    I have 2 kids but they don't live with me: They are like EVERY other man in the country that have custody given automatically to the Mother and really have little to say about it.

    I don't read or "the last thing I read was your profile": Agree. Dumbshit. Also goes with "I don't watch TV" as being a liar. Everyone watches TV.

    If they take their picture in the mirror: Girls have their friends take their pictures for online sites. Men don't. Hence the mirror shots.

    A picture of their Harley, Boat or Car: They feel their self worth is defined by their possessions and are trying to impress you with the amount and expense of the things they own. Some women put alot of weight to how much money a guy has (I know ... hard to believe). Has little to do with the size of their dick.

    They enjoy dancing: Gay. No man enjoys dancing. They think that is what a woman wants to hear.


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