Sunday, May 2, 2010

Freak #4

I wake up, it's a beautiful day, I get the paper and I look at the computer...Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present Freak #4:

Okay, this guy looks normal. His profile is kind of funny and THEN...the self taken photo of him in the bathroom with his boxers pulled down to the pube line! People, you can see the start of his pubes! What the HELL!


  1. What the hell is right!!!!

  2. Besides the pubes, the smile is just a BIT too creepy.

  3. Another one obviously full of himself ...

  4. Another thing that caught my eye here. He is a 43 year old man, but he seeks women "28-50". That's a HUGE age range in numbers and maturity. I can't even imagine what, besides the obvious, I would want with a 28 year-old girl. I have a couple working for me now and I could never even imagine being in a relationship with wither of them. It would make me feel ANCIENT. What could you possibly have in common to talk about with someone 20 years younger than you? Talk about being bored to tears.

  5. JCH--you are correct. That is why I think he is on the wrong site. He is looking for hook up. I just looked at the pube picture again and busted out laughing.

  6. I am surprised no one mentioned the tan line. Maybe that's what his intent was to show?? LOL


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