Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Signs and Love

I am not a long skirt wearing, incense burning, crystal rubbing believer, but I do think there is something to astrology when it comes to compatibility.  I just cut and pasted this:

Pisces: February 19 – March 20 Symbol: Fish
You look to your instincts instead of logic and facts. You are empathetic, intuitive and honest. You go with the flow and choose not to fight the current.

Perfect match: Cancer, Scorpio
Almost perfect: Taurus, Capricorn
Opposites attract: Leo, Libra
Signs to learn from: Aries, Aquarius
Not your destiny: Gemini, Sagittarius

  • Never been with a Cancer or a Scorpio.
  • Dillhole was a Taurus and I used to think it was almost perfect. A college boyfriend was a Capricorn  and I used to think that was almost perfect. We never fought.
  • George is a Leo and that was definitely an opposites attract.
  • My first husband is an Aries and I did learn from him. Spencer is an Aquarius and I learned not to date tools like him.
  • Gemini is not my destiny. That is an understatement. John killed it for all Geminis in my future. Seriously, I've had guys approach me and when I hear Gemini I make an excuse to haul ass.
There is something to it--my friend AmyD is a Gemini (she says only the good parts) and her hubs is an Aquarius. That is supposed to be a perfect match and they are a perfect match. Ironically, the other perfect match for Gemini is Libra. John is a Gemini and Annie is a Libra. Hmmmm...

I think I will change my match profile to something like "Scorpios and Cancers only need apply". I am sure that will be a winner.

Here's the site I used:


  1. I definitely believe there is something to this. Someone told me that a perfect match is someone whose birthday is 6 months from yours (give or take a week or so....but within the sign that is six months apart. I am a scorpio. I was told to stay away from geminis.....I married two. Sheesh, I was really young and stupid....twice. And I am not signing my name to this because I am really embarrassed about that. I am married to an Aries now. Much better.

  2. My perfect match is Virgo and Capricorn...interesting. Almost perfect is Pisces...makes sense.

  3. Dear Anonymous--no need to be embarrassed! I will say that next time I'm doing it Goldie Hawn and Kurt russell style. I waited on them in Boulder more than 20 years ago. I remember thinking, "that's the way to do it."

  4. Here are mine:

    Virgo: August 23 – September 22 Symbol: Virgin
    As a practical sign in the zodiac, you get a kick out of organizing things around you. You are always ready to help others.

    Perfect match: Taurus, Capricorn
    Almost perfect: Cancer, Scorpio
    Opposites attract: Aries, Aquarius
    Signs to learn from: Leo, Libra
    Not your destiny: Gemini, Sagittarius

    Now what is VERY telling is that my first wife was a Gemini and my second a Sagittarius. Guess I pick really badly eh? My most recent "relationship" is a Libra and I definitely learned from that one many things about myself and what I need to work on personally.


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