Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I just looked at the labels from my posts and the leaders are Internet Dating and ManGroomer™ with Liar and Special Ops Boy tied for 2nd. 

It has been 4 months since I started blogging. I can tell you with complete honesty that I if I conjure up an image of the Artist Formerly Known as My Husband, my heart rate remains unchanged, my hands don't sweat and my stomach doesn't turn. I just tested it by thinking about when he proposed on bended knee by Terminal A at Tampa International. Nothing. I can remember the night I read his texts to Dao. It all seems so long ago and I just feel nothing towards him. I don't know if it is because I have totally purged every bit of venom I had for him by broadcasting stories of ManGrooming™ and Vienna Sausages... or is it just time. I've heard the urban legends of formulas for getting over a break-up. One of my friends told me it takes 1 month for every year you were together to get over a break-up. Well, that is some bullshit. 

I saw a commercial last night for match.com that said 1 out of 5 relationships starts online. You mean to tell me that Pube Man and Miss IamsoHOT are going to end up in a relationship? Will Alakzam find the love of his life in her apron with nothing else on underneath? Well, that is also some bullshit. 

As for Liars and Special Ops Boy...I thought of him last night when I was watching my favorite chick show, Army Wives. They showed a female colonel talking to her husband and baby girl on a web cam from the Middle East. I am sure he does the same thing with his wife. He is no different that John, Tiger, Jesse James, The Original AssClown, and the liars that many of you had written to me about...I will never understand the ability to put one's own selfish needs ahead of another person. Particularly your wife and children.

I just had a revelation. I don't need to understand it. Why should I? It is not what I am about. Just like I don't understand being a meth head or a NASCAR fan (love you Ali!), why should I understand (i.e. or accept) lying and cheating?


  1. Love you too Penelope!!! I will get you to a race yet! Bristol this fall?!?!?! Forget Match.com - every man you need will be there ready and willing! haha (and have a sign expressing his willingness and love for you / and your boobs!)

  2. I'm glad the toxins are gone...it is really better for you. But boy does it give you great material to write about!


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