Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vehicular Date-O-Cide

So I've been chit chatting with a guy I met online. He is smart, funny, divorced for a couple of years and (most importantly), can spell and has a full command of the English language. The other day we were talking about how queer (odd, peculiar, not gay, homosexual) it is that people post pictures of themselves in their car. One moment while I google up an example of a random online dating fool...

Easily found in approximately 0.4 sec:

Poor guy. But you know my put your shit on the web you run the risk of Penelope doing a screen shot and making fun of you.

So funny new guy sends me an email on Thursday with a picture of himself sitting in the car and the subject line read, "Before the Accident." Okay, that shit is funny, BUT I am highly competitive. I had to one up him. I sent this with the subject line of "During the Accident"...

Now THAT is some funny shit. I was in a parking lot laughing my ass off while I took the pictures. I bet there was a crowd looking out a window wondering what I was doing.

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