Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm a Pusher

Daisy the Dog of the Century™ has been freaking out over all the thunderstorms we've been having. Tonight was the worst. Nothing worked. I sang, I blasted music, I tried to distract her with toys. 

Now, I turned to drugs and alcohol. She has hydrocodone drops for if she has collapsed trachea issues. I pinned her down and dosed her. I then went to the fridge and popped open a Rolling Rock. All is well...

Disturbing, yet funny.


  1. I received a text from my daughter at school yesterday...she had sprained her ankle at a tumbling lesson the night before. She was in pain, and cheer tryouts were at the end of the day. She was telling her two friends about her ankle and how she was worried (and nervous) about how it hurt. Her teacher overheard. This is the text I received from her: "so I was talking to lucy and ethel about my ankle and my teacher goes 'take some vicodin before tryouts and you'll be good'"... Silly me~ I gave her advil before school.

  2. I'm more concerned that she has a classmate named Ethel...I get the Lucy reference. That is crazy--does the teacher hit the pipe when she goes home?


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