Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Boxers or Briefs

I think the choice says a lot about a man. I haven't seen whitey tighties since Jimmy in 1982.  Boxers are just more "man-like." I wonder if they think the same way about women's undies? Do they think, "I wonder if she wears thongs or briefs or granny panties...or Spanx™?" On the continuum of sexiness, is the granny panty at the far end (i.e. the non-sexy end) or the Spanx™? So I just googled, "sexy spanx" and I got this. The model is so skinny she doesn't need a pair of fricking they are $88!

1 comment:

  1. But, just so you feel better, if you look on the hips in that picture it has obviously been photoshopped/airbrushed to thin her out.

    I am just saying ...

    What about boxer briefs?


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