Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just Kidding

I didn't see any really good April Fools' Day pranks today. It made me think of an expression that I can't stand..."Just Kidding!" It is usually said right after someone says something nasty to you. Or if they ask you to do something and they see the look of horror on your face. Anytime someone says, "Just Kidding" (it is usually in an annoying voice) I immediately know they are telling the truth. 


  1. I think I do this. Ooops! Anyway, one of my blogger friends actually published a post that said that J.K. Rowling had signed up to write a Vampire Series! I almost fell off my chair. I'm so glad she was just kidding!

  2. That's just what the literary world needs. More vampires book. Lord save us.


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