Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Girl Who Trusts Everyone

I listened to an amazing story on NPR the other day. It was about a little girl that has a syndrome where she trusts everyone. They described it as having no social fear. Pathologically trusting. It seems benign, but it is a real problem. Her Mother spends all day trying to teach her daughter not to be so trusting. She has a rule that she is not allowed to say "I love you" to everyone and anyone. How sad is it that she has to be taught not to say "I love you"?

Trust has been a big deal for me. Now when I think about trust, I will think of that little girl...

Here's a link to the story:


  1. That's a REAL syndrome? If I had just heard that I would not have believed it. Wow. How scary for her parents.

    I wonder if they have isolated the "sex addiction" gene link yet?

  2. I heard that story too. It would be very frightening to be her parent.

  3. LOL Penelope. I was kidding with the sex addict comment. Don't believe it is real at all. Getting the NPR app now.

  4. No really. Sex addiction is real. Scientists have just discovered the gene that causes it. It is directly linked with the swine gene.


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