Saturday, April 17, 2010

Putting a Beeotch in her Place

I work with a straight up Bully. A psycho. The beauty of my job is I am based out of my house and I work in the field on my own. The only time I'm with my co-workers is at meetings. Next weekend I work with said psycho at a meeting. It's going to be  in Naples at a beautiful resort. The weather will be fabulous. I am already dreading it. I've had imaginary conversations in my mind of me taking her out at the knees. This is the kind of psycho that is constantly trying to undermine everyone. She bad mouths our boss to everyone. She badmouths everyone to our boss. I had to make a presentation on a conference call last week. A kind co-worker warned me that she was laying for me. It's like a fucking mental chess game and I don't wanna play. Here are some of my sample comebacks when she talks about someone else or is blatantly rude to me:
  • Wow, it must be so painful to be this miserable all the time
  • Have you ever considered counseling?
  • I'm so sorry that everyone else's existence bothers you so much
  • I have an idea--how about you refrain from speaking to me ever again unless it has to do with work?
  • What happened to you as a child to make you so miserable?
  • Whenever she blasts someone just reply, "Noted"
  • Ask if she's considered medication
  • Stare at her blankly and not respond* this may be the best one
What I have tried in the past hasn't worked--I always defend whoever it is that she is blasting, I walk away from her, I make sure I'm not next to her at meetings, I don't return her phone calls (I text or email her my answer)...I am open to any suggestions.


  1. I stare blankly at my bully...and avoid her when she is not wearing make-up. I find the best thing is that I have peeps who have my back and ignore her. Hang in there Penelope...what goes around, comes around...I'LL TELL YOU WHY, WHY!!

  2. I don't have any real good advice, even though I've worked with people like this. Your best bet is just to make sure you know your stuff, and have your rear end covered six ways to Sunday. But you are in a game of Survivor. You just have to outlive this person. Psychos always cave. They can't hold it together, and they are either fired or they quit. You just have to be sure you are the one left standing. It is war.


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