Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I try to keep the same one for everything so I won't forget it. I know, I know...the experts say to change the password often, have letters, numbers and special characters. I've got one for my 4 different email addresses, my online banking, to get on this blog and edit, Facebook, Sephora, iTunes, home alarm, Amazon, my work BlackBerry, my home computer, my work computer and probably 10 other websites. I love it when after 3 months you have to change your password according to company policy. Now my old tried and true password is replaced by my new tried and true password. I don't remember which has the new password and which has the old password. Don't get me started on the ones that have to be at least 6 characters--not to be confused with the ones that have to be 5 or less characters. 

I have tried to make up passwords that are positive and inspirational. Remember "Love" being the password Carrie's assistant had on her computer in the Sex in the City movie? Love is too easy. It ends up being annoying once I add some numbers and an exclamation point to my inspirational password. Imagine typing in something like peace!69 over and over. It just doesn't work...

I think my friend has it right. On her phone the password is simple--"fuckwad".

No One Will EVER guess it


Hi. I moderate the comments--if you just want the comment for my eyes only let me know. Also, there is a drop down and you can select "anonymous." Thanks!