Friday, April 2, 2010

This Blog will Self Destruct in 5 Minutes

Okay, I have tried to stay away from blogging about cheating. But I-JUST-CAN'T-STOP-MYSELF! Today I heard about a new app for cell phones called Tiger Tracks™ (it felt good to use the ™'s been so long). It is an app that deletes the texts as soon as the receiver reads it. It is so Mission Impossible. Perfect for the Cheater who has everything. Don't know what to buy the Liar for their birthday? Try Tiger Text™!

Okay and what about Jesse James checking in to rehab (rumored to be Sex Rehab). He doesn't need rehabilitation, he needs self discipline. You all know that I love Sandra Bullock. I read that he had unprotected sex weeks after he married her (sound familiar?) I hope she kicks his nasty, tattooed ass to the curb with the trash!

Sex Addiction? Whatever. I am so tired of that being used as an excuse for cheating. Segue...I have corresponded with Annie over the last month (mother of John's boys). I don't feel right delving into this too deep, but that poor woman has been undergoing major therapy because she having backlash from the ManGroomer. Her husband (who is a gem) was transferred to Houston a few months ago and has been commuting until the twins graduate next month. Annie has been having major trust issues. Not because of her husband but, because of the numerous times John cheated on her. She had to list the top 10 worst events in her life for her therapist. 8 of them were John related (this is from a woman who has lost 2 siblings to cancer and her father is deceased). She has been doing similar work to what I do with Lynn of replacing the shitty memories with good memories. How sad is it that this is still coming up for her? She's been divorced from him for 15 years. tie this post up with a nice little bow--just like the messages on Mission Impossible, I wish memories of AssClowns would self destruct in 5 minutes!


  1. Sounds like you all need one of those thingies they used in Men In Black, that zaps memory...

  2. That would be nice Sandy but along with the crummy memories are good memories too. It would have to be selective zapping.

  3. I was just speaking to my daughter-in-law yesterday about this sex addiction crap. All men are sex addicts (most women too). The difference is some of use are adults and know how to control our base urges. Has nothing to do with sex, has everything to do with self control. It's the "new thing" now. Get caught cheating and you're a sex addict. Boo fucking hoo.

    I understand Annie's issue. I have spoke about Joy in past posts (she's a female assclown and should keep her own name also). Alot of my trust issues, self esteem issues, etc. stem from that incidence and just when I think I am finally past it, it gets pointed out to me that these issues are still very present in my life. This was 20 years ago for God's sake. So Annie, I understand ...

    I will say though that we don't need to get rid of the total memory of the assclowns. We do need to remember them for no other reason than to know what they look like when we see another (not that it matters to some of us because we just keep reeling them in one after another).


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