Monday, March 21, 2011

Lauryn Hill is the New Whitney Houston

I went to see Lauryn Hill last week. It was the WORST concert I have ever gone to...
let me count the ways:
  1. The doors opened at 8 pm. She came onstage at 11 mutha fuckin 45 pm. It was a week night.
  2. Her voice was horrible.
  3. She kept telling the light guys to change things. She was bossy and unprofessional.
  4. Same shit to the sound guy.
  5. I know ALL her songs. I couldn't recognize most of them until they were almost done. I understand it will not sound like the cd. This was shit.
Most of all...she looked like a crack head:

How do you go from this:

To this hot mess?:

I learned a valuable lesson. There are tons of articles about how bad she is in concert these days. I could have saved 70 bucks. We left (along with many others) after 4 songs.

Her DJ was great. I wish he would have just played. I just tried to find his name. I think it was DJ Rampage. I found this comment in the Orlando paper. Apparently I was not alone in my review:

Are you kidding me with this positive review of lasts night concert? It was absolutely awful! The opening act with the brass band looked and sounded as though they just decided to go up on stage and preform since HOB knew she was running late. Horrid. Then after another hour of just waiting her DJ came out and I will admit played some good old school hip hop and reggae. After about 45 minutes of that though the crowd grew tired because of course who were we there to see…oh thats right Lauryn…and where was she….oh yeah not there. I actually saw one woman sitting in a chair sleeping waiting for this woman to grace us with her prescence. When she FINALLY did come on at MIDNIGHT she looked liked a HOT MESS and made no apologies for being late. Her voice was good…not great but this really didn’t matter since any of her songs were recognizable! They were mostly rock renditions of HIP HOP songs. People started to leave not only due to a POOR PREFORMANCE but EXHAUSTION. What a disappointment Ms. Hill!

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