Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hand Job High Point

I was just publishing comments and I smiled when I read that Jane's son felt comfortable telling her about the changes in his body. It made me think of a story my friend E just told me about his 15 year old daughter. I have blogged about E before. I can remember if I gave him a nickname. I just did a quick search and I could find it. I try to make this easy for when the blog is made into a movie for the continuity folks...

E is a guy I work with. We also worked together at a previous job. He is one of the good guys. He is married to K and they have 2 daughters. K will laughingly say that P will often tell her too much. I remember saying to E "that's a good thing that P feels comfortable talking to you guys."

A couple of weeks ago P came home very upset and let her Mom know that a boy from school asked her to meet him a the park later to "give him a handjob." Yes people, a HANDJOB at 15! P told K and E the story. E was calm (but boiling inside) and let P know that he was going to call the little boy's (yes, a 15 year old is a little boy) father. P cried and begged them not to say anything. E and K let P know they had to intervene.

E talked with the Handjob Requester's™ father. He was calm as he recounted the details. Handjob Requester's™ Father (I just gave him a capital "F") was mortified and said that was his son's behavior was unacceptable and assured E that the appropriate action would be taken.

Word spread at school. E became known as a type of Super Hero. P came home from school saying that all her friends were saying things like, "your Dad is so cool." and  "I wish my Dad would stick up for me like that."

That story is a High Point!


  1. That is a great story. I wish all the stories like this ended happily, but unfortunately, depending on where she went to school, she could have become a pariah. You just never know. Kids can get so ugly.


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