Saturday, February 12, 2011

Connection to "Things"

You know how I tend to lose things. They are usually in my house. Eyeglasses, nice pens, my cellphone when it's on mute, my work Blackberry...the list goes on and on.

2 weeks ago I lost this:

At first I was calm. I always put it in a dish with my watch at the end of the day. Throughout the day I usually tighten it because it can catch on things. It was the first nice thing I bought for myself. I got it 12 years ago.

Then I did the psychotic tear the house apart thing.

I was going to sleep one night after I realized the bracelet was missing. I found that I was questioning why this bracelet meant so much to me. It wasn't given to me. I rationalized the loss of value/money by depreciating the original cost through the years (Did I say that right account Sulie?)  

There is a section in A New Earth by Eckart Tolle--he tells about a time he was counseling a woman that was dying. She had this kick ass ring that was gone. She thought her care taker took it. She was totally obsessed. After she died, the woman's Mother called Eckart and told him the ring was in the medicine cabinet. There was a lesson there. About "things". Here's an excerpt if you would like to read the whole thing:

I think that mutha fuckin bracelet is somewhere in this house. A cat may have knocked it under something. It may be in some bizarro hiding place. I will find it when I am free from the connection to things.


  1. Yes you used the correct terminology...but unfortunately, jewelry does not really depreciate unless it is not real. I need to come over and played with Daisy and look for the yurman.

  2. It is my journey and my lesson. I have released it...kinda.


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