Thursday, April 7, 2011

Deep Thoughts with Penelope™

  • Do the words "mini" and "wheats" cancel out the word "FROSTED"?
  • When my cat runs really fast from room to room with the "must get there now" look on her face and then she just plops herself on the that the same as when my mind races with all the shit I need to do and then I plop myself on the sofa, open a book and read?
  • When I meet with my boss and I numbly nod my head as he is talking, can he read my mind and know that I am thinking that I want to kick him square in the balls?
  • Why did I get a nursing degree and now I'm in sales when I find that I don't like many people?
  • I got a notice from Chase that after recalculating, they have found that I am deficient $0.01 in my escrow account. It instructed me to send a check to get my escrow account up to date. A penny? I called (and got India) she laughed like I was an idiot and told me I didn't need to send a check for a penny. The why send me the fucking bill?

1 comment:

  1. My theory on the cat thing is that they are being chased by a spirit only cats can see. They plop when it is safe. I'm just certain that is why my freakazoid white cat sometimes won't come inside.


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