Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One last positive/humorous post before bed

I spoke to one of my friends tonight that works with my good friend "Birch" (recall he is the friend that had his phone on late at night and listened to me recount the nightmare).  I told my girlfriend that I had not told Birch about the blog.  He is my dear friend and a firm believer in moving forward!  I decided to write him and this is what he said:

WOW!!!!!!!   OK so that was  a lot of data and I hope it helps you move forward....he is a waste of your energy and I am so happy for you that the new job is great, credit will be no longer impacted by DICK head and the camp.  I love you

I love that he used the word "data"!!

I have gotten so many texts and emails from my friends about this blog.  I thank you all for listening to me cry, plot, scream and tell the same stories over and over.  

Thank you to the folks I don't know too.  It is funny how something cold and impersonal like the Internet brings us together.

He had a ManGroomer™... WTF??????????????

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