Thursday, October 14, 2010

Free Will

It is interesting what posts really strike a chord with folks. It can be funny references about bush management or something I typed in passing the other day-- "I can't imagine ever saying I love you to anyone ever again". That one stirred things up for peoples. I got quite a few private emails on that one. Lots of "I've felt that too" along with many "Don't worry it will happen again". I know both are true. 

Thanks to a little vino, I am going to type run on sentences with limited punctuation or care. I truly think I have avoided boys on purpose. I had a party last Christmas (an Amy Dalley house party that rocked. Yes, I had a concert in my living room and I am the COOLEST person on my block). My next door neighbor (a guy, friends with Dillhole) made a loud crack in front of everyone that my house used to be a revolving door of guys when I first moved in. It pissed me off. In my defense SOB had 2 different cars and another time he had a rental (so 1 penis = 3 penises to the casual observer). The Cat Whisperer also had 2 different cars and a Harley (again, 3 different types of transportation appeared to be 3 cocks, but in reality was 1 cock). So that math is 2 cars + 1 rental + 1 Harley + 1 Jeep + 1 truck= 2 meaningless cocks. It's the new math. Oops, forgot about Spencer, another meaningless cock (he drove a Rav 4). Embarrassing. I fucked a man that drove a Rav 4. I was depressed. I also wore Scrunchies™ in my hair circa 1986. We all have our demons.

But what was my point? I let 3 meaningless cocks in (I am talking literally). WTF? None of them were especially interesting or fun to be with...I lowered my standards. I ate at McDonald's when I should have bought some chicken and cooked it myself (I know you know what I'm sayin'). 

I think I needed to get that shit out of my system. John devastated me. My self esteem was so shattered that I had to aim low to start with. Fucked up, but makes sense (to me at least). 

I can totally get staying alone and not opening up. But it has gotten old. There are nights when I am blasting music and dazzling my animals with my knowledge of Led Zeppelin and current events and I will pause and say, "Self, I can't believe you are home alone." It becomes a habit. I've convinced myself it is easier to be alone. I used to work with a nurse that was the age that I am now when I was in my late 20's. She would always say, "Penelope, expect the worst, that way you will never be disappointed." It used to freak me out. Shit, have I become her? She drank White Zinfandel from a box. No, I have not become her. 

I have so many desirable traits in a woman that any boy would love: 
  • I can sing the entire Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill album from beginning to end.
  • I know a little bit about a lot.
  • I won't ask you for money.
  • I can find humor in everything. 
  • I've probably seen more concerts than you.
  • I don't want you to come along when I go clothes shopping.
  • I hate terms like "honey and "baby". I like terms of endearment like "fucker".
  • I keep my bush perfectly coiffed (and my head hair, nails and toes).
I am going to hit publish without proofing and hope I make sense. I'll probably read this in the morning and fix (or delete).

I shall end with a lyric I love "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice".


  1. Awesome posting - one of my favorite Rush songs. Don't fix or delete this as it's perfect in current format - open and brutal honesty and wry humor. Love the new cock math but do question why the neighbor cared how many penises have been to your house? (A little "penis envy", perhaps) As long as your wine is still coming out of a bottle, you are safe. You made my skin crawl with the demons thing though as my ex Victor drives a VW Passat and I actually wondered why he wanted to wear my underwear! (Should that have been a red flag?)

  2. The list of What Rocks About Penelope is actually much longer than that. And you've got me thinking about leaving Comfort Zones and that, yes, it may be the only way to find what you (we) are looking for. ~Polly


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