Sunday, April 25, 2010

Snooze Button

This morning I woke up in a hotel. I woke up to the alarm clock going off next door. Over and over again. Every 9 minutes. After the 5th time, I considered beating on their door and saying, "get up!" I thought about it. I am a snooze button abuser too. I can wake up on my own. I always set an alarm just in case. I will wake up at the time I need to get up and wait for the clock to buzz. Once it goes off, I hit the snooze over and over. Studies show that the "sleep" you get after hitting the snooze is no good. For me it is just avoiding getting up and going out to meet with customers that drive me crazy. It is a form of procrastination.

Tomorrow I am getting up at 06:30. There will be no snoozing.


  1. It may be not good sleep, but it feels great doesn't it. I think one of the best feelings in the world is waking up and seeing you don't need to get up for another hour, then just lightly snoozing. Love it.

  2. It is self-indulgent, narcisistic sleep. The best kind.


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