Friday, August 20, 2010

No regrets

I saw "The Switch" today. I LOVED it. Jason Bateman is my new ideal man. Joe Dubois needs to watch out. One moment while I google a picture...

Oh yeah...that's what I'm talking about! It is the ultimate chick movie and it is good. The little boy in it is great too.

I watched the movie "Babies" yesterday. I wondered if it would make me have a wistful yearning. It did not. I do know that Americans worry too much about soft spots and supporting the baby's neck. The one in Mongolia was on the back of a motorcycle as a newborn and Ponijao in Africa ate dirt regularly while her neck was often at at 45 degree angle. Ponijao was my favorite:

In less than 24 hours I had a massive infusion of baby/kid movies. In my younger years I would have gotten "broody" (As my ex English 1st husband would say). The first time he came over to my apartment I had an Anne Geddes card on my fridge. He said in his cute accent, "Max (his nickname for me), are you broody?' I don't get broody anymore. I realize that I will not have a baby in this lifetime. The lyrics to Simple Kind of Life by Gwen Stefani used to kill me. She wrote this song before she had babies (with a different guy than she references in the song):

I always thought I'd be a mom
Sometimes I wish for a mistake
The longer that I wait the more selfish that I get
You seem like you'd be a good dad

I was never that girl that knew I was going to have a baby. It would enter my mind off and on, but I was never convinced. I didn't have a strong sense of family and I don't know that I was ever really shown a good example of what a Mother looked like (Sorry Mom, I am hoping you don't read my blog). After I met John, I reconciled  that I would be a great Step Mom to his 3 boys. I can remember deciding that John would get a vasectomy. It was my idea. I had been on the Pill since I was 16 and I was 40. I had spent 24 years trying NOT to have a baby!  One night at dinner John told the boys he would like to have a baby that was part of me and him. We talked about it a lot. Over several months. I couldn't imagine starting a new family when John (and now I) had 3 boys starting high school and college.THANK GOD that did not happen! I can recall talking to J (the oldest boy) when he was 15 about it. He told me, "I'm glad you decided not to have a baby. We have enough chaos as it is." How adult for a 15 year old to have that observation.

When I meet women my age the questions often goes to " you have kids?" It is interesting to watch how the conversation turns. Sometimes curious (is she barren?, a lesbian perhaps? a spinster?), often pitying (why not?, didn't you want kids?), occasionally rude (never met the right guy?, why not?)...I have learned to keep my mouth shut. In the past, I would try to make the question asker feel better letting them know I'm ok. Now I just smile and know that I have no regrets.


  1. Isn't it funny people will ask men and women both, " you have have kids?" but no one says, "So, do you have herpes?" or "So, are you a lying, cheating piece of shit?" -- I have seen some dear friends very hurt by the kid question...because they couldn't/didn't/wouldn't have children and people make things their business that just ARE NOT. I have one (not planned) and would never trade him for the world, but frigging question-asking nosy people just piss me off. And about the "Babies" movie...amazing how you can give a few rocks to a baby and their brains develop just like the ones plopped in front of the stupid Baby Einstein crap.....hmmmm....who will attach more strongly? a baby in a sling on mom's breast or a baby in front of a stupid ass TV. (Sorry, I am an early ed/child development person...and what people do in our country to "accelerate" early learning makes me crazy....we call that NOT "DAP" (developmentally appropriate practice) Yeah for babies playing in dirt and toddlers painting naked. Heck, maybe we'd all be happier if we played in the mud and painted naked.

  2. I agree. My friends send their kids to a Friends school (Quaker). When they were little they played with toys made from natural sources like wood vs. plastic, and tv was really limited. They are middle school age now and they are really great boys. Totally smart, well read and can look an adult in the eye and carry a conversation. What a concept. My friends aren't Quakers. It just ended up being e best choice in their area. Reminds me, all my Mom friends with little boys have told me they will fashion a gun out of a stick even if they were never allowed to play with toy guns. That's a whole other talk show...


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