Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ManGroomer™ Art Part Deux

ManGroomer Gothic


  1. That furry back man-hair photo is so yucky, I think I am guaranteed nightmares tonight. What is wrong with people? Do you think she "etched" it out for him? "Honey, let's put a big #3 in your hairy back and our guy is sure to win!!" It reminds me of the people who get interviewed on the's usually the ones who are drunk, smoking, toothless, unbathed and have not worked in a few years that were the "eyewitness". Gotta love this world we are living in ----

  2. Ok, I feel the strong need to comment. Two things. I hail from South Bend (Man in prior photo has ND groomed into his hairy back), and I am an "underground" Nascar fan. Penelope, you now know who is posting this anonymous comment! Ha Ha... Anyway, I SWEAR...I Have NOT, and NEVER WILL groom the #39 into my man's back and I am ashamed of my fellow Irish fan's need to do such a gross thing. Ick.

  3. Ha! I didn't even think about the ND part--I was focused more on ManGroomer™ use!

  4. I am wondering if he returned that favor and carved something in her back ... they look to be the same size. :)

  5. I bet she reads "Cosmo" and he carves it into her "untamed Va-Jay-Jay".


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