Monday, December 28, 2009

Louisiana Glossary

I realize before I go on--I must put together a glossary of terms. Some are self-explanantory. Others are indigenous to Louisiana alone.

Camp-A kind of man cave. Can range from a dilapidated trailer to a luxury 3 story house on stilts. The camp I reference is a modest house with a pool and 2 separate bungalows. It is on a canal off the Tickfaw River. It sounds really nice but remember--we are talking about LOUISIANA!

Go Cup-The paper cup you ask to pour your alcoholic beverage in before you get behind the wheel and drive. Example: "Sugar, can I get a go cup to put my Crown and Ginger in?"

Drive Thru Daiquiri-Just like it sounds. And yes, you can get a daiquiri from a drive through in Louisiana. There is no liability because they tape the top closed and the straw is wrapped.

AFF- Adult Friend Finder. A website where one goes to find other "adults" to be friends with. Not to be confused with MILF

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