Monday, May 24, 2010

I always wanted to go to Italy..

Okay people, recall the Italian guy on match that send me an email telling me "you continue to look gorgeous"? Well I was just on there and he IM'd me. I have never replied to any instant message on there, but I was feeling punchy. He is actually very nice. His English is kinda funny. He's been here 7 years. I told him I didn't respond before because I didn't think he was real. He wanted to know why--I said the language and the fact he had such a large age span listed for who he was looking for (I think it was something like 35-56). He said, "that must be why no one responds to me." kinda pitiful. BUT...the skeptic in me wonders if he is a freak. He told me he liked my profile because my smile was adorable. Instead of feeling flattered, I felt like, "what is wrong with him? No one talks like that!" We talked about school--he came here for graduate school. His daughter is fluent in English and Italian, but "speak Italia to me." She also loves shoes. He was nice. I told him I would talk to him tomorrow and that I really needed to get to sleep. In reality I need to watch the final episode of LOST!

I hope he's not like the Ethiopian Prince that needs me to send him money and then I will make a million dollars. He keeps emailing me too.


  1. Seems like he is trying really hard. I wonder why? Desperation is not a turn-on so much. But maybe he is just nice?

  2. Wait ... the Ethiopian Prince is not real???

    Uh oh ...

  3. You are right Sandy, desperation= not sexy. I shall see...


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