Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why is there a mirror across from the toilet?

Do you ever wonder about that? Just now I had the pleasure of gazing at myself with my hair pulled up in a headband, a clay mask on my face and purple glasses. It was pretty and it made me think (my favorite thing to do, ya know) about the whole whether or not one should go to the bathroom in front of their mate. I think it takes away from the whole mystery. Let me be clear--I am taking about peeing. There is NO place for pooping in front of your mate. It's just not sexy. There is no way for a woman to look hot while wiping after you pee. I like to give the impression that I don't even poop to a man. If you time it right, you can go to their place for the night and it never comes up. I told my stepsons that I never pooped and the twins believed me. They were 13 at the time. If you don't believe me, watch yourself wipe next time. I know one of the bathrooms in your house has a mirror across from the toilet. It is the architects' cruel joke.  Not sexy.


  1. Nope. No mirrors anywhere near the toilet area!

  2. Mine is behind the toilet ... but I am a guy so I end up staring at myself peeing anyway. Gives me a chance to pose though, go through my bodybuilding routines, adjust my hair, take pictures like Freak #4. LOL


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