Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mental Junk Mail

Today I came home and got the mail out of the mailbox:

  • Oprah mag--good
  • Those stupid checks from Discover that they send every week and I keep shredding them
  • Electric bill
  • Card from Annie
I walked in the door and was greeted by a happy dog that was raring to go for a walk. I tossed the mail and opened the card from Annie. She wrote:

Hi Penelope,

Just a note to say hello!
I know the boys were a BIG part of your life at one time. I wanted you to have a picture of their senior portraits.

Love you,


Two pictures fell from the envelope. The twins looked like man version of the little boys I met 6 years ago. I stared at the pictures. I wondered if they knew she sent me a card. One of the twins looks just like John. I felt my eyes fill with tears. They were sad/bad/mad tears. Daisy yipped a come on let's GO yip! I headed out and walked with the little dog pulling me forward. I wondered about Annie's motivation. I thought about how many of you commented after the video thing on Mother's Day. 

Now what do I do? An email saying thanks for sending the pictures? They made me sad and I don't know what to do with them other than stuffing them in my desk drawer. Or just ignore it? (not my style). Ugh...


  1. I say, you love them- frame it. Embrace the fact that they will always be special to you. .The hurt may always be with you but it will ease. Thank her, she intended no harm.

  2. Hmmm...I am thinking why thank someone for causing you tears? Annie's intentions have not always been pure and she always uses photos in some fashion to prove that. As hard as it is, that family does not exist anymore for Penelope, Daisy and the kitties always have.
    Sulie L. Collins

  3. I don't think I have any advice. You are wise to question motive, but you also don't want to think poorly of someone that is just trying to do good. I guess if there is a question, always take the higher road. Thank her for the pictures.

  4. Thank you all...my sister has a different view and she is basing that on the past. I shall fill you in. I agree with Sandy--the higher road always rules!

  5. I am becoming a bit jaded lately (I am working on it) but I question motive as well in this. She is causing you tears and bringing back into your head something in your past that is hurtful. I wouldn't want pictures of Joy's children sent to me. But I agree to take the high road, although she is poking the bear a bit with this crap.

  6. On another note (hopefully you'll get the humor in this), every time I see a woman mention Oprah I think of an email I got once that was something along the lines of "Things You Never Say to a Woman" and number three was "Are you sure you don't want to consult the Great Oprah on this first?".

    Always found that funny. Now I need to find that email. :)

  7. Found it. I now share with you :)

    Ten Things You Should Never Say To a Woman During an Argument:

    Don't you have some laundry to do or something?

    Oh, you are so cute when you get all pissed off.

    You're just upset because your butt is beginning to spread.

    Wait a minute - I get it. What time of the month is it?

    You sure you don't want to consult the great Oprah on this one?

    Sorry. I was just picturing you naked.

    Whoa, time out. Football is on.

    Looks like someone had an extra bowl of bitch flakes this morning!

    Is there any way we can do this via e-mail?

    Who are you kidding? We both know that thing ain't loaded.

  8. I have to say, at great personal peril, that the "bitch flakes" comment is pretty damn funny. LOL


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