Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mickey Mouse or Breast Cancer

My sister and I are volunteering for the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. It is down to the wire and the walk is in less than a month. Today one of Sulie's friends emailed her and said she was pulling out because she is "going to Disney World." WHAT THE FUCK? People, The Punisher™ is going into a rage. Okay, we fucking live in Florida. Walt Disney world is 90 minutes away in Orlando. It has been there since 1971 and I am fairly certain it is not closing anytime soon. Where is the follow through? And commitment?

Look, Mickey is being strangled by the Pink™Ribbon. 



  1. Definitely WTF! The problem here is one that is evident in all relationships: work, friendship, romantic relationships, marriage, etc and that is people, in general, have no respect for commitments they make nor do they think twice about changing their minds. The "Oh, don't want to do that.....I just won't" mentality is taking over the world. The Punisher (I envision her as a kind of save the world, bring the rat bastards down, superheroine) needs to be evoked in everyone. I hope your sister has emailed her friend back and told her how shitty it was she broke her promise. Not to mention ---- ditching the breast cancer walk for the mouse? Bad ju-ju.

  2. A wake up call from Mickey kicking her in the box! The theme for today has been commitment (or lack of...) I agree, I am seeing that is runs into every facet of life--no commitment to work, friends, marriage...it all goes hand in hand. UGH.


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