Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I just got an email from a friend I met through blogging. She commented on the phrase RED MUTHA FUCKIN' FLAGS. She referred to them as RMFFs. It is official and a ™ has been added.

Astute blogging friend also wrote about being more vigilant about RMFFs™. It made me think of how many times a friend will tell me a story about something going on in their lives and I will hear something in the story that is a blatant RMFF. People, I don't always call bullshit. First, that could be annoying if I became the RMFF detector. Lunch with me would become a drag. Drinks would be unbearable. Friends would say, "She think she know everythang" and start to avoid my calls. It would suck.

All kidding aside...I think friends don't let friends ignore RMFFs™. People, join me in the crusade to bring clarity to RMFFs™. Don't be afraid to call a spade a spade.

Knock, knock. Who's there? Red. Red who? RMFF™!

1 comment:

  1. Boy I cannot agree with you more about this. It drives me CRAZY that friends, or "friends", see RMFF's(TM) clearly and say nothing! I don't come from that kind of family. My brothers and sister would call me out in a heartbeat, as I would them, and I will say I have lost, or strained, a few friendships because I am known to call a spade a spade. I am with you on this one Penelope. 100%.


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