Sunday, June 27, 2010


A few of my friends and anonymous blog followers have suggested that I copyright my work. It would suck to see my life on the big screen without me getting credit for it...I would like Sandra Bullock to play me. 

I have started the process. In the meantime...if anyone copies my shit and uses it for their own financial gain let it be known I can and will get ghetto. I will CUT you.




  1. ...and I want Sienna Miller to play me. And there must be a love scene in there with Colin Firth, even if it makes no sense within the plotline, I want a love scene with Colin Firth.
    Thanks, Polly

  2. I cannot conceive anyone wanting to copy anything I have, but when you figure it out, let me know. I guess it wouldn't hurt...

  3. I think it's a good plan, especially since this will eventually be in book form :)

    I would like George Clooney to play me, or maybe Hugh Jackman. Unfortunately I'll end up with Howie Mandell. LOL

  4. Sandy, I can see lazys copying your book reviews. I trust NO ONE!


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