Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gifts that keep on annoying

I have one last installment on All that is Annie. It has to do with birthdays and holidays. For years she and John would get gifts for the boys to give the other parent for birthdays, Mother's/Father's Day and Christmas. I am sure that worked when the boys were very young. It did not work so well when they were in their teens and both Annie and John had remarried. I brought it up to John. He said he agreed and he would talk to her about it. I said I thought the boys could do chores and work for extra money to buy gifts. For example, one Mother's Day they wanted to get Annie a gift card from a spa. They wanted it to be 100 bucks. This was before they could drive. I had them washing cars, cleaning the garage and doing yard work. I drove them to the spa and we got the gift card. They worked for it and got to experience the true feeling of gift giving. Annie would continue to buy what she thought John wanted for holidays. It irked me. I told John I felt it was inappropriate especially since they were both remarried. He wrote her an email explaining that they were both remarried, the boys were older and there was no need to continue the practice. She got pissed (he showed me her angry response). I kept quiet (until I got to the shrink's office). My counselor encouraged me and assured me that setting limits was the right thing to do. Recall the Christmas DVDs? Ugh...there were all kinds of gifts-- clothing, music cds, framed pictures of the boys, a cast iron pot (I kid you not--for gumbo, sha!)...the list is long. I look back and I realize how much I felt like a visitor in my own home. One birthday Annie came over with the boys and brought a cake and sat in the kitchen to celebrate. I had a conference call with people from other countries and it had to be at 8 pm to accommodate all the different time zones. I remember sitting in my office with my headset on and I was SMOKING PISSED. The more I think about it the more I realize I could devote a whole separate blog to being a step parent. 

So...the reason I delved into all this All that is Annie stuff is to give background as to why I didn't think her sending me pictures of the twins was totally innocent. I have such mixed emotions about her. I said it before and I will say it again...we bonded through all this shit. I would get shivers when she would tell me stories of seeing him wet his shirt to look like he had been working out or taping his phone calls. She would say, "That Son of a Bitch" in her melodic Baton Rouge accent when I would tell her my stories. He was (is) a true life monster. I don't remember if I blogged this already, but when I spoke to Pao live I told her to save my number. I told her that I promised in a couple of years she would be blindsided by him too. I told her the only person that will understand will be me. I promised her that I would not say "I told you so."


  1. Ok, this is gonna sound harsh, but what the hell. Annie is a bitch. while you may think of it as "bonding" I dont think she did. I think she found a little delight in the fact that "her man" cheated on you. It's probably all his fault. He is a giant assclown putz and prob provoked and prolonged their whole relationship, but she should have had the sense and the decency to set some boundries...for both herself and her kids. my ex husband first new wife used to call me and cry all the time and tell me how mean he was/is...I can't imagine if I had been still in the mix of all of that gifts, bringing cakes...It is one thing to communicate about your children, share them even. But it is another to keep yourself involved and connected to that person. I do not trust Annie at ALL. She knows what she is doing. she might be doing the same thing to Pao right now. and if Pao DOES call you, hang up on her! Do you really want to go back there and live in all that drama that belongs to John? He is a stupid piece of shit asshole that does not deserve you. period. you don't need all of his bullshit that follows him like the plague! When Angie was calling me to complain and cry it was like I started reliving it too. it sucked and took me a long time to shake it. do not go there!!! k, damn. My coffee kicked in and I just ramped, big mama...

  2. Not harsh at all--I need to hear that. It is funny, the more I sit down and remember this stuff, the crazier it sounds. It is funny (Sulie can attest to this) I used to feel like I as losing my mind when I was in it. I would not like her and want to set boundaries but she was so "nice". All the camp wives would talk about how great Annie was. Funny thing, Dan (John's best friend) couldn't stand her and told me she was manpulative. It is amazing the clarity one has after stepping away from the muck. Coffee is a good thing big mama!!!

  3. Big Mama is 100% correct, I never liked Annie the minute I laid eyes on her. She has this pathetic, codependent relationship with John. I think she tries to be a better person. But bottom line she was evil to my Penelope so she can bite me

  4. I think Sullie has a good instinct in every case I have seen so far. :)


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