You all know I DVR Oprah. She had a thing on there about the Debt Diet the other day. One of the guests, David Bach, has come up with a checklist he calls The Latte Factor. It comes from spending lots of money at Starbucks and the like. I am not a coffee drinker, so it is not a place I frequent. He brings up a great point about spending money on things that are a waste. Here's the checklist (double click if not showing in full size):
I'm going to do this checklist. Off the top of my head I know it is going to Target with 1 or 2 things on my list and leaving 200 bucks lighter...but with some cute things I never knew I needed! I also buy food from restaurants. A lot. I am a good cook. I have that f'ed up thing about cooking for myself. I will spend 20 bucks on take out dinner when I could cook something for a 1/4 of that amount. Books are another thing. I probably have (I shit you not), more than 50 hardbacks that I have not read. Oh but that doesn't keep me from buying 5 at a time when I walk into my fave store Inkwood. Note to self...make appointment with shrink. Seriously, this is interesting. Let's all do the checklist...
The DAvid BAch books are actually great reading. Reading his new one now. I remember reading about the Latte Factor (TM) about 4 years ago in the Automatic Millionaire. Makes so much sense. I still buy coffee at Bux though.