Saturday, January 30, 2010

Guest Blogger

I knew he was acting weird. He used to come in around 11 after he would find a mouse for me. I had noticed he was staying out later and talking to that new Siamese cat that moved in down the street. He started bleaching his teeth, he had a new collar--I also found this weird thing in the bathroom drawer--it was called a CatGroomer™. Last night I had it. He smelled like tuna when he came in. My person never gives us wet food. I knew he was over at her place because Tigger next door told me he heard the Siamese wench boasting how she got wet food every night. Why didn't I see the Red Flags? He was so smooth--he would bring me fresh mice, he would groom my back...I ignored the times he would stay out all night. My person has locked the door. I can see him out there meowing and saying he's sorry. Let him go to her. 


  1. So what does it take to be a guest blogger?

  2. You can email me Mr. or Ms. Anonymous and I will set you up!


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