Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Match.com leads to Meth Bust

Okay, more thoughts on Internet dating…here is a little cut and paste from my Facebook:

Penelope Status:
Here is my match update- One Cross-dresser, 2 guys from Glasgow and one 60 year old. I am looking for a rusty fork to impale myself on...

Sarcastic Friend: why are you wasting your time on that stuff? nothing but losers and freaks! good luck! :)

Penelope: it is all part of the new Penelope for 2010. I am lowering my force field. Putting myself out there...oy, who am I kidding?

Sarcastic Friend: good luck. that was my resolution a few years ago. i found it to be a complete waste of time, but it may just be my area or my impossibly high standards (educated, nonsmoker, no drugs, no kids). maybe if i would date a smoking dumbass with full custody of his kids until the meth bust, i might have some luck. ha!!! keep me posted!

Ironically, Sarcastic Friend is a friend I have never met face to face.  She is friends with Cherry (The PT after my back surgery). If Sarcastic Friend was a cartoon, she would look like this:

She is quite the world traveler. She is planing a trip to somewhere that starts with a "B''--I forget where. Bolivia, Barcelona, Bosnia, Boca--something like that.  Since I've known her she's been to Iceland, Morocco, Area 51, and she slept with
Matt Damon in Las Vegas:

Sarcastic Friend, I shall call you Sarah.  Because Sarah is f**king Matt Damon!


  1. LOVE IT! ('cause i'm f*cking matt damon; i'm sorry, but it's true...)

  2. Girls: Knock knock!
    Boys: Who’s that knocking at my door?
    Girls: Amfa!
    Boys: Amfa who?
    Girls: I’m fucking Matt Damon
    Boys: She’s fucking Matt Damon


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