Monday, January 18, 2010

Does Joe Dubois Really Exist?

Jake Weber plays Joe Dubois on the T.V. show Medium. It is one of my favorite shows. I love his character. The man is a great husband and father and that = HOT. But I ask you, does Joe Dubois really exist? I used to DVR Medium when I was married. John and I would watch it together. He liked the Joe character too. Perhaps that was who he modeled The "good" John after...who knows?

 Joe Dubois is HOT

John would cook, help with dishes, watch chick movies, rub my feet--there was just this little problem of the 29 year old Vietnamese girlfriend, daytime hotel stays and "adult" hook-up sites. I guess you can't get everything you wish for in a mate! I was talking to my friend (hmmm...let's call her Alison since she is married to Bono--recall that  Bono's wife searched for a ManGroomer™ in her home and I am pleased to say she came up empty handed!) Alison and I worked together in a past life. We were on the same team (along with Miss Brown) during the Wine and Chips for Dinner Era of 2007. Alison brought up the point that many of you have brought up. Are all men predisposed to cheating? Actually, I think she said, "are all men pigs?" Penelope disclaimer--Bono is fabulous and we are not talking about him. Alison told me the story (not an urban legend, I swear) about the local volley ball coach. Coach Bob (pigs get to keep their real name) had been having an affair with a 15 year old girl for the past several months. The community is reeling from disbelief and shock. This is a man that they trusted with their children. Ironically, John was a coach before I met him and I had found out he slept with one of his 17 year old students, but that is another blog for another day. Another friend told me last night that her good friend just found out her husband was doing the adult hook up site thing. They have 2 small children. I asked Alison if she thought the Internet brought it out. She replied that she thought it made it easier. There was a reference to "tingling in genitals", but I forgot exactly what she said. I just wanted to type tingling in genitals because it sounds funny. Seriously, can we blame all this crap on the Internet? I don't feel the need to google me up some pics of a big schlong. I understand that guys are visual. I've also heard the old excuse--men are meant to spread their seed, while women are meant to stay home and take care of the children. I don't buy it. I think the seed spreaders shouldn't get married. I will now divide men into 2 categories:

  1. Seed Spreader
  2. Seed Grower
with sub categories:
  1. Vienna
  2. Ball Park Franks (you know--they plump when you cook 'em)
I refuse to believe that all men are pigs. I do think our society has become really focused on immediate gratification (fast food, buy it now, click on link and meet women/men that want to do it now). Alison agreed. She also brought up a great point. She said she felt like she and her generation were brought up to accept certain behavior from men. The light bulb went off for me. I do think we get socialized to accept certain types of behavior as the norm. Alison told me about her 15 year old daughter and several of her friends going to a recent dance without a date. Her daughter saw it as a time to be with friends, have fun, get a cool new dress, nails and hair did--who needs a guy? I love that and I LOVE Alison for modeling that behavior for her daughter! If Alison was a cartoon she would look like this:

Alison and Bono took their kids on a SURPRISE trip to Ireland last year. They saw U2 while they were there. I feel neglected. My Mom in the Cutlass Supreme with the white landau top dropped me off at the Tangerine Bowl in Orlando to see Aerosmith when I was 14....


  1. I, too, had a BROWN cutlass with white top growing up. Maybe that is why I try to compensate by being such a cool parent now! haha.

  2. Ok LOVING that you watch and love fav show. and I LOVE joe! Jack and I call him "sleepy guy" because in nearly every scene he is either going to bed, or just waking up or he is very very tired. lol

    I used to think that all men were pigs. that all had a sneaky agenda. but that was because I had been severely hurt. crushed. not just the break up of my marriage, but all of the lies and deception that went on while I was trusting naively, believing whatever was fed to me. It hurt for a REALLY long time. It still does if I let it. not from any missing him point at all (that made me gag just to think like that) but because I was HURT all that way to the core.
    But there really are good quality men that believe in family and fidelity. that believe in honoring his wife. They really are out there. and you WILL find a good one. you really will. You are amazing. and any man would be a fool not to put everything he has into loving you.
    Joe she comes!

  3. Jumpin Jack was not the type of mom to go to Aerosmith...the music did not have the beat she so desired. Now if it were the Bee Gees, it would have been a different story!

  4. Thank you so much big mama amyd! "It's Time"--the CD is like a "Maria"!


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