Friday, January 29, 2010

Sabrina Catfish and Joe

So I sent a link to the blog to my friend. He is married to a lovely woman and they have 3 adorable boys. I told him to share it with his wife.  This is what he sent back:

I’m trying to figure out what happened to the intelligence of men in the last couple years and how they’ve gotten so stupid when it comes to cells phones and texting in particular (See Tiger Woods).  What happened to just meeting girls (or boys) in the bathroom at public parks.  It hasn’t come out yet, but I have to believe Elizabeth Edwards has looked at that slime ball’s phone messages a few times.  All I can figure is that the cell phone has taken the place of a certain part of a guy’s body that we hold so dear.  You know that part that also has been known to affect our intelligence at times.  

A while ago, I was thinking about developing and marketing a cell phone that was actually shaped like a penis. I thought guys would love to keep it in there front pocket so when asked, “Is that your penis?” They could respond, “Do you want it to be?”. Or maybe, “Yes it is, and it’s calling you right now”.  I’m currently going through the R&D process now.  Didn’t Elvis take the stage with a gourds (as an Italian, I prefer zucchini) or garden hose in his pants.  If it worked for the king….

He made it easy for me with the codes names when he told me about dating:

My wife went by Sabrina Catfish when she met guys in bars (prior to me, she says). Then again, she thought my name was Joe for the first month.


And if Joe and Sabrina were cartoons...

Joe looks like Steve Carell (sorry Joe, but you know you do). All this name stuff reminds me--my code name was Amber Finegashé  back in the day. It was French...

1 comment:

  1. I got an email from Joe and Sabrina last night. Apparently their boys love the cartoons of Mom and Dad. Let's hope they didn't read anything about manscaping.


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