Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thoughts on Manscaping

We all know how Penelope feels about manscaping and one particular product that shall go unnamed. I did a little light research to see what the masses feel. Check out these posts. Note the last post comes from a gentleman that goes by the screen name of "bigeazy". Hmmm:

3:15:23 PM
Dec 10, 2009
AH, to look and feel just like a woman down there, you bet ***** Eye helped. Been around a lot longer that 2003, Hollywood leading men been doing it forever. I guess with women getting the full wax, to look pubescent, men need to follow. Shame what's happened to men today, afraid to offend some shallow female.

4:04:46 PM
Dec 10, 2009
and the feminizing of man continues... earrings, nail polish, waxing, makeup, pedicures... I guess women go for the Boy George, George Michael, and Adam Lambert types now.

HippieChick... Penelope Agrees with you HippieChick. Girl!
6:05:49 PM
Dec 10, 2009
I like men to look like men. Which means chest hair. (Back hair, not so much.) Don't do it, boys!

8:34:42 PM
Dec 10, 2009
The pussification of the American man continues. This old "silver back" aint buy'n it, no sir, not for a minute. I have a full and well trimmed facial beard, proud gray on my chest, and that's all I'm tell'n you about. Hope all you metrosexual, homophiles have a gay old time!

popseal...Penelope thinks popseal needs to back away from the computer and the meth
8:39:19 PM
Dec 10, 2009
Nope, this old silver back aint buy'n it, not for a minute. Sporting a well earned and trimmed gray beard and a crop of gray on the chest, I hope you metrosexual homophiles have a gay old time being pulled around by the bimbos you're after, regardless of their gender.

8:40:58 PM
Dec 10, 2009
Perfect for girly boys and the bimbos that chase them. This old silver back aint participate'n.

8:47:35 PM
Dec 10, 2009
and this is just the beginning of this lifestyle being shoved into our faces. Pretty soon being straight will be a hazard like being g@y is now. We're doomed!! ---lol...pussification.. Isnt that from balloon boy rap?

sparkey...Penelope thinks sparkey is one of those freaks that lets a woman in black put a dog collar on him
5:40:18 AM
Dec 11, 2009
A real man would have wax dripped on his chest and have it ripped off. A sissy man uses a safety razor.

bigeazy...Penelope wonders if this is her ex Ass Clown husband! On second thought, he used big words. Nope, not him.
8:40:23 AM
Dec 11, 2009
I am more masculine than anyone posting on this board and I manscape. Its not gay. Its not homo. Its not the end of the world. Trimming your pubes and waxing your back is not the same as castration. Its hygenic and more attractive. Grow up

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  1. Interesting comments. I have to say that I consider myself to be pretty open minded about alot of things, but I have always found it odd to see men in nail salons and worrying about the gel in their hair, manscaping, etc. I don't think its "gay" (what's the definition of that anyway? ... I knew a few gay men in the Navy that you would never have guessed they were) but just odd to me that a man would spend time on things like that. May be the Italian in me perhaps.

    Now ... that being said ... if I was with a woman who asked me to "manscape" I probably would do it for them, but I am like that. That's not "pussification", that's making your partner happy, and I am all in favor of that (unless she asked me to wear a dress. Would draw the line at that point. LOL).

  2. This all makes me uncomfortable.

  3. I am all for live and let live...but manscaping does not really interest me.


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