Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Deep Thoughts with Penelope

  • Why do I think I hear my phone ringing when I'm in the shower, but I don't hear it when it is actually ringing?
  • Where do the expensive socks go--why is it that I can't find the Smart Wool or Thorlo in the dryer, but I can always find the Target 10 for $6.99 socks?
  • Why do I own 10 pairs of black pants that are all very similar and the same size? How did they get into my closet?
  • Why do I think buying yet another purse will make me feel better?
  • Why do my cats run really fast with a "Must Get to Other Room Now!" look on their face just to get there and lie down?
  • Why do I have 5 different email addresses, 3 places someone can leave me a voicemail and 2 Facebook accounts?

1 comment:

  1. I don't have all the answers, but I do have a theory on the cat thing. I think the devil or his minion spirits are chasing our cats. Only in a small area of space. Sometimes they are guarding entry through our back door, because one of my cats acts like he wants to come in, then at the last minute, runs away. Or they just chase the cats to another room, and rarely across the entire house.


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