Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trust the Gorton's Fisherman™

I am sorry but the fish sticks humor KILLS me...


  1. I believe that phrase needs to be trademarked...

  2. Why do I need to trust the Gordon Fisherman? Is there a chance he is a cheater and liar??

  3. Noted--™ just added. Excellent point my anonymous friend. I just got a call from Sulie in a serious voice asking me why we need to trust the Gorton's Fisherman? I suspect you were too busy to sign in under your own name. You're right. he's probably a lying mutha fucka. Out on the boat for months, smelling like ass, different woman in every port. Screw the Gorton's Fisherman! Besides, he's old. You know he can't get it up....


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