Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stuff I love

I decided I needed to throw in a dash of positive. Here is a list of things I love (in no particular order) off the top of my head:

The sound of a little kid laughing, sunshine, the beach, flights that are on time, my bed, my ipod, Andy Samburg, palm trees, Hanae Mori, shoes that are on sale, my kick ass Mini Cooper, being free, LOST, books, strawberries, orange juice, Pinot Noir, any song by Aimee Mann, my house, the hot tub, Florida, Sephora, America, my sissie, my niece, my friends, hope, my porch swing, jeans, making people laugh, learning how to let things go, NPR, Medium, Modern Family, my DVR, flippie flops, Pilates, Publix, Anthropolgie, nectarines, breakfast at the Tahitian, to check things off my to-do list, Tiffany's, the sound of my cats purring, my MacBook Pro, egrets and great blue herons, canoeing, being able to wake up without an alarm, To Sir With Love, the fact that I can call my ex husband and he cheers me up (#1, mind you), my new bike, Jason Statham, walking on Bayshore, knowing this is just temporary, did I say books?, and my neighbor Fritz who watches my house and gives me plants.

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