Sunday, March 21, 2010

Drinking away memories

March 19 was my wedding date with John. Note to self...don't get married the day after your birthday. Not that you want to plan for divorce. Just keep that shit separate.

I had a party Friday night. Yep, that was 3/19. It was a house concert with my friend Amy Dalley. I had done one before that was great fun. Friday the 19th ended up being a weird day. Tons of people cancelled at the last minute (there is a lot of respiratory stuff going around) and then there was Dan the Romanian...(I think I will have to save that one for later). I got nervous in that fear of having a Peter BradyParty
so I made several mistakes:

  • I didn't eat
  • I drank Pinot Noir. Lots of it. Fast.
  • I didn't drink water.
Not as many came as I would have liked but we had a great time. As the night went on, I would have those flashes in my mind of pictures. I would see me and John on the beach getting married in Jamaica, standing under a waterfall with him and being on the plane smiling. There was a really pretty picture of us (it was one of the pictures I put under the Armada tire and backed over it several times) that I kept seeing. I remember him putting the ring on my finger (you know the platinum band I tied with ribbon to his rearview mirror?)

I just reread that paragraph and I hope that you too, Dear Reader, see pictures in your mind. If not, please send me a confidential email and I will seek help. My niece, known on here as Jackie, made an observation about the blog. She said, "You go along really good and your totally done with the John thing and then something comes up and you bring it back in." I laughed when she said that because I know what she means. Isn't that the way memories are? I go for days, even weeks and I don't think about him. Then I look at the calendar and I'm wasted. 

We ended up staying up until almost 0400. Let's just say Dan the Romanian can also be known as Dan the Misogynist. My neighbor removed him and drove him home. We drove to Gainesville yesterday to see Amy play. I have to say for 45, I RALLIED! 

If you don't know Amy Dalley's music, please check her out. She is on itunes and CD Baby. If you scroll to the bottom of the blog I have a video attached. Her lyrics tell stories. Some happy, some sad. She has known some AssClowns.


  1. It was a great get together. Had lots of fun talking to people. Got a lead on a guitar that I want BAD. AND I got to sharpen my pick running skills for Jackie.

    Good Times :)

  2. I didnt know that was the day. we should have burned something. or I would have brought a voodoo doll or something.Im sorry. time will replace all that stuff with better memories. It will.
    hugs:)) big mama

  3. Big Mama knows all!!


  4. Thank you--the party and going to Gville was a good distraction!


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