Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sandra Bullock

I have always loved her. She is beautiful and goofy and that is a fine combination. People tell me that I remind them of her--not the looks, but the mannerisms. So...I was sick when I read that Jesse James cheated on her. People, I am trying to avoid falling into the All Men are Pigs way of thinking. There are some things to consider. I am not blaming her in any way (look I talk like we are friends and we had lunch last week) BUT...
  • His ex wife was a porn star. 
  • He's the West Coast Chopper guy. 
  • He's been married 3 times (no offense to my readers that have been married more than once. Penelope can't cast stones)
  • The whole "Bad Boy" thing
It made me think of Red Flags. Did Sandra see them with Jesse? Did she wonder about the porn star? Were there things that just didn't seem right but she convinced herself it would be okay?


  1. I had commented on this a few times on Facebook, but will share it here (like ym opinion matter! LOL). I LOVE Sandra Bullock. She has always come across to me as a REAL person, not some glamorous movie start type (much in the same way that Jennifer Garner, Jason Alexander, Bruce Willis, come across to me). It SHOCKED me when I saw she married this assclown. I have watched his shows for awhile before this and knew what kind of person he was, so I just chalked it up to another example of the bad guy getting the good girl. When I read about this happening it didn't shock me at all. No one deserves this happening to them, but all the signs were there, the flags were flying at full mast, and I can just hear her thinking "but I can CHANGE him". No Sandra, you can't.

    I have to add that when I saw a picture of this women I thought, in all my maleness, you dumped Sandra Bullock for THAT????

  2. It is crazy , but you could see sadness in her eyes at the Oscars. It is profound at what should be her shining moment, an assclown stinks it up!


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