Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sarcasm and Hate

There is a blog I like to read called Penelope Trunk's Brazeen Careerist.

Brazeen Careerist is career management tool while the other is a blog. The link to Brazeen Careerist is over to the left of the page. I was initially drawn to her because her name is Penelope. Today she had a list of things she hates. Here is a bit of it:

Below in yellow is from different Penelope...

List of things I hate #3

This is not an exhaustive list on the topic. In fact, it may be an inexhaustible topic. There are older lists of what I hate. So today's post is merely my most recent list.
Which is notable because hatred is a process. Neurologists have proven that love and hate are closely related, and I have found it's hard to hate a person unless I am also close to that person, and the same is true for a topic. In that vein, life is the process of expanding our love and our knowledge, and I suppose, our hate.
So here are some things that I have recently reached the tipping point of thinking so much about that I feel qualified to hate them:
1. Sarcasm
The use of sarcasm is always in appropriate. Sarcasm reveals insecurity and cynicism – both things that make a person unlikable. Sarcasm is always negative in meaning, and the tone is always disparaging. On top of that, people who use sarcasm think they are being funny, but this is a poor man’s humor; because comedy is about timing. You say it, then there’s a beat, and then people laugh. With sarcasm, you say it, there’s a beat when someone realizes you’ve said something you don’t mean, and a beat to process what you did mean. The timing is off.
So comedians rarely use sarcasm because it’s not funny. And top performers don’t use sarcasm because it’s mean.

Back to me, Penelope---Ok, there is a fine line between love and hate. I agree. There have been songs and poems and great works of literature devoted to the concept. Hate is a HUGE word. I sat here and wondered who do I hate? You may guess John. I would say that is more of a distracted pity. Dao--same thing. I anticipate her phone call in a year of two telling me the same thing has happened to her. hate, more of a why did I waste so much time thought. I just heard that his father died. I sent a sympathy card. It was weird. I wrote a little something and just signed my name. No "love", "with sympathy", etc. There was a man in my life that was abusive (when I was 18 to 21). It was a lifetime ago, but I think the word "hate" resonates when I think of him. I hate sour cream, ranch dressing, mayonnaise, root beer, brussel sprouts...but not many people. Don't get me wrong--I shrieked "I hate you" to most of the above (except Dao, I always told her I pitied her).

I am intrigued by her thoughts on sarcasm. Perhaps my idea of the definition of sarcasm differs. Sarcasm is my middle name. It's what gets me through the day. Maybe what I am calling sarcasm is just plain humor. I don't think I'm mean (unless you deserve it mutha fucka). My sarcasm/humor is what makes me laugh when I am stuck in traffic on I-4. I think about shitting fish sticks and I bust out laughing. Vienna Sausages are a great source of joy to me.

Today my friend "Ali" texted this picture to me with the message, Took this at grocery. Too bad all "dicks" in this world are aren't "spotted" so we could recognize them and run the other way.

How great would that be? A kind of Scarlet Letter for Ass Clowns! I imagine a kind of Wood's Lamp I could shine on one's member. If I saw spots I could tell them to move on!

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