Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why Chicks Dig Vampires

Okay, I was just flipping through the channels to watch something while I eat dinner. Twilight was on. It was the part when Bella meets the family for the first time. I started to think about why women love the Twilight series. It hit me--

A Vampire Never Cheats!

They stay together for life. Edward is totally into Bella. He never looks at other girls.  (sidebar--when I checked into the hotel in Lafayette the last time I was there to go to court I checked in as Bella Swan). The books are written poorly. The movies are completely cheesy, but I love them (me and millions of other women all over the world). When I was in London a few months ago there was more of a rage for Edward than there is over here. 

Maybe that is the type of guy I should look for next. Kinda pale. Socially awkward. Never sleeps. Can't be in the sun.


  1. Best Bumper Sticker Category. Seen on Dale Mabry about a month ago:

    Edward Cullen is a fictional character and he will never love you.

    Made me laugh out loud.

  2. But Robert Pattinson is very real

  3. He lived in the haunted house in G-ville


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