Friday, March 5, 2010

Worried Well Woman™

I would like to thank all my dear readers for the emails with phrases like, "I can't believe SOB is married. What a cocksucker!", "You should go with an enlisted man next time; officers are used to getting what they want" and "Hopefully his wife is fucking around on him while he's deployed."  

So, what is "Worried Well Woman"? I called to make an appointment with my gyn and the lovely receptionist in her perky voice asked, "What will we be seeing you for?" Shit. How do I say, "Well... I would fuck this guy on and off. He seemed sane. I made the mistake of trusting someone that I really didn't know that well. You see, he got married while he was fucking me and neglected to share that tid-bit. I suspect I'm not the only one because data shows that cheaters like to have lots of variety. I have analyzed him and he has low self esteem (he fished for compliments...oh yeah, RED FLAG) so, I am sure he would screw around whenever he could. Also, I am sure he is the typical Navy cliche of a girl in every port. I didn't really like him, but I have been afraid to give my heart to anyone again so, just screwing seemed safe. So... that is what you will be seeing me for--to make sure I don't have some disturbing STD." In reality I just said,"Well, the person I was with...". Perky receptionist jumped right in and said, "Say no more, we call that the Worried Well Woman™ Visit!" I breathed a sigh of relief. There is a name for everything....


  1. I have been there myself after my divorce...gyns know we divorcees go through this. Be careful!! I was lucky too I didn't catch anything after screwing around "just for fun"...I didn't get an STD with the marine on leave. Be careful with your heart too, if you fuck the same man it does turn into a matter of the heart. He probally meant more to you than you want to admit. Men have a way of creeping into our hearts whether they end of being "creeps" or proud of yourself that you are a strong woman, love yourself and the love will come (this is what my therapist says.....I have to believe it)

  2. Thank you! I told my therapist I felt like he symbolized the hope of decent guys in the future to me (f'd up I know). You are right--I don't want to admit that he meant much to me. I didn't think about him the way I've thought about men I cared for in the past (you know the daydreaming thing). It has been a lesson learned!


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